quick question about a "100% category"
8 years ago

can we get a 100% category added?

not sure what would be the best definition for it but this is what i had in mind:

-All BSAA emblems -All Gems/Treasures(showing the inventory before the run to make sure everything is at 0 to track it better) -All Guns Collected(?)

any thoughts on this?


We already talked about it few months ago, but many ppl said it wasn't necessary.

I'd like to see it, to maybe run it later, why not. We could see that as a fun category.

So yeah, all emblems & treasures of course. Not sure about all guns collected, I don't feel it useful. But we could buy all weapons. With all the treasures we've got it should be no problem at all. Upgrading them might be too much tho.

I'd add ' Kill every enemy ' maybe, with an exception to the zones where enemies spawn infinitely, such as 1-1.

But also should it be NG or NG+? Probably NG can make it much cleaner and challenging enough, even in Amateur difficulty.

Kentucky, USA

I could see a 100% being added but I'm not sure what it would have to have. I agree it would be fun so lets mess around and come to an idea of what we need. I think: -BSAA emblems -All guns (not the unlock able ones like the bow and such) -All treasure -Full 'S' rank -SS ranks for all Chars on mercs Public Assembly. -Then S ranks on Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape. So lets see. Good thought @Deln


full S rank would be quite challenging but fun, i assume it would be only on 1 difficulty and not all of them?

For the SS on mercs, im not sure if its really necessary, but a good thinking.

S ranks on Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape should probably be scratched since they are DLCs, but that's just me. Same with The Mercenaries Reunion DLC since it would be required for it.

imo this should be NG(for more challenge obviously), by all guns i mean the one that can be picked up in the game itself, the one you get after fully upgrading a gun shouldnt be required(?)

tbh 100% would be a misc category unless people think otherwise.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Misc for sure and yes, the upgrade requirements for 'special' guns would be thrown away. So main game,NG AM, S rank for all chapters, treasures, emblems and all guns. I could live with that.


that sound good actually, i do not see any problem with that.

good thing there is a no loading plugin, would make this easier to time.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
California, USA

If there is going to be a 100% category, it definitely has to be miscellaneous because of how the definition of 100% is so arbitrary for this game, and I don't see that many people who would want to run it. There is no completion counter but the game has a ton of unlockables that don't have anything to do with gameplay. I even think that the emblem requirement is arbitrary since all the emblems do is unlock cosmetic costumes. The only thing that makes them relevant to a possible 100% category is that they can be easily tracked. On the other hand, treasure is not, and there's no way of knowing if you got everything especially since you'd be spending it along the way, unless you made some sort of counter. Minigames have nothing to do with the main game so those unlockables are out, and obviously playing multiple difficulties to get the filters would just be ridiculous. I don't have any skin in the game since I definitely won't be running the category, but as long as the run is fun to play/fun to watch I wouldn't have any problem with it.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

which is why i would add a small line to the rule where you would need to show your inventory/treasures to show that you actually have none before the actual run.

also: http://i.imgur.com/i3cMv6r.jpg

this is every treasures/gems in the game, easy to check if people got them all :X

if you know where every single one of them is, you can check if they actually picked them up, its not that hard.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Kentucky, USA

I can see how it can be 'odd' to look at (for the mods) but I agree with a counter kind of thing. Perhaps 'splits' for each treasure. Then the guns that are available in game only. Someone (or me) make a new post asking what everyone would like to see in such a category and we'll go from there.


a split for each treasures would be a bit wierd, i do agree on a counter.


Will it be IGT or RTA?


pretty sure to get S ranks on every chapters you'll need to replay some chapters just for the time/enemies killed, i guess RTA(minus loadings) would be good?

Kentucky, USA

Yeah for RTA. It's a NG run.


If it's a co-op run, would we need only one player to get S rank? Or do both need it?


of course both would need all S as well

Edited by the author 8 years ago

with the help of my good friend moonizz, i got a small tracker for the treasures:


checkbox isnt active cause its a picture, but i got a working one :x

Edited by the author 8 years ago

any update on whether or not this is going to be a thing?

Kentucky, USA

Make another post and see who all would be down to run it. I say if like, 4 or so people are down to do solo/duo then it's a go.