Not following the levels criteria
2 years ago
United States

There are some runs that use more shapes than allowed. I feel there should either be a split between if you can use more shapes than allowed or not. Or just flat out ban the ones that do

Gaming_64 and LordParoah like this

I disagree with banning it as its imo valid to just draw more shape, our goal is to complete the level, that's it. Once it shows the screen with the time we got that means we completed the level. Splitting it might be a valid option but I feel like that's creating some unneeded categories

Gaming_64, flashhh, and LordParoah like this
United States

It’s definitely not fair though

United States

Just take a look at level 16 per say

United States

The category split would be a neat addition. Allowing for more Strats to be made


There's nothing unfair about it everyone can use the multiple shapes

Gaming_64, flashhh and 2 others like this
United States

It's not unfair if everyone can do it.

Gaming_64 and flashhh like this
United States

yeah im just saying there should be a split

Gaming_64 likes this
United States

since the strats would be so different

Gaming_64 likes this

So, do you think that an 100% category should be an addition for those? Particularly I don't see a problem with using multiple shapes

Gaming_64 likes this

Me neither?

Gaming_64 and LordParoah like this
United States

idk why multiple shapes is a problem. you don't have to 3 star a level to beat it

Gaming_64, flashhh, and LordParoah like this
United States

sigh just figured there'd be more strats on top of the ones we already have. Itd change the gameplay up between the categories but its ok ig :/

Gaming_64, flashhh, and LordParoah like this
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