4 years ago

Hello, this will be the first time I've submitted or interacted with any speedrun community excluding growing up on RWhitegooses Speedlore's. From then on, any game I've ever played I just instinctively think how it can done quicker, more efficiently, or just outright broken. That is why I hope to be an early bird out of the nest and see what can be done with this game. It is new so mind the crashes and glitches, especially the gremlin. I've been playing it and thinking as much as I can on how this game could be pushed. And considering the rage nature and idea that going fast often gets you hit... A lot of seemingly wait-half-a-second areas can be done without stopping or letting go of the controls. Its these moments that make me think this game should be worked on. I'll see what I can crack up myself.

Maine, USA

Welcome to the AVGN community, we're pretty small but we've been faithful to all of the games! Check out my Easy Any% run as it has a lot of new and exciting skips to learn! We will work on tutorials soon! What are your goals and preferred categories?

Goal is to just see how low these games can go. A simple goal like that could lead to world domination with an A.I. if unchecked. So a simple goal with these games, I'm certain its seemi-correlative xD But for real, preferred category is Any% but I don't know these games skips. But I instantly fell in love with the deluxe, not entirely sure why :P I am not the most dedicated speed runner. But I am passionate for looking for the break, or brute force trial and error until the route or feasibility of a strat/skip. Not a TAS, but I like to think on determined routes and how they may be improved or made easier or more consistent. I'm currently lowering my easy mode Happyfun Candy Time, and hopping back to Area 52 4: NOOOOoooo in Assimilation,trying to see how low the boss fight can go. At 00:22.60 atm, but using ingame times for simplicity rn. Last thing, I'll check the runs out to be better acquanted with the whole run and etc. Till next time :)

Maine, USA

We are estimating sub 15 for Easy Mode any%

You have a Discord? I see your twitch and followed. I have a buddy I'm trying to get into running the game. He normally just runs Mario 64 and sometimes Super Mario Sunshine, but had him over a few days ago, bought the game on steam, and just played through it. Sub 15 huh? Likely :)

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

i think we urgently need a discord, so a avgn runner discord for all parts

New Jersey, USA

Definitely agree on the concept of a discord, many of the skips used within any% easy right now have no real documentation outside of the respective runs. At the very least these should be noted in resources and/or guides

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

i can help with that or even create it but my english sucks.

New Jersey, USA

Id definitely join if you did, even just having more direct communication with runners makes it nice

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

so first we have one, but is of course still under construction, here is the link https://discord.gg/XqtWah2B5K

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