Separate Console from PC?
5 years ago

I was considering to buy this game on PS4 and speedrun it eventually, but why isn't Console separate from PC? Surely PC has a big unfair advantage over Console (see FPS etc..) and this put off me and potential console runners away from this game. It's pretty rare and unusual not to see this separation. Furthermore, games that have this separation usually have an equal amount of submissions PC/Console, while games that don't have this separation usually don't receive any submission from Console players (becasue what's the point on learning the game and make an effort right?). I hope you will consider it.


First of all, sorry for the extremely late reply. I'd say the main reason is that so far we haven't had practically anyone from console doing runs, so we didnt think it was necessary just yet.

Another note is that we still haven't figured out a way for timing console runs(since there wouldn't be load removal), would mods have to manually remove load times, or would console times be by RTA instead.

A console separation would most likely have to happen aswell, not just due to FPS, but due to different glitches. For example Slidey McGunny doesn't work properly on console, and console has a unique glitch, Air Guitar, which so far hasnt been able to be reproduced on PC.

I want to suggest joining the Discord for easier further discussion :)

Pear, Apock212, and RapixOnGaming like this

Sorry for my late reply as well, strangely enough I haven't received any notification of your reply. Anyway, thanks for the answer @Tonsu!

Unfortunately, since I wasn't receiving an answer I decided to focus and run another game for now. I think this "Console" missing separation is a problem for many games in It is really much a chicken-and-egg situation. Leaderboards are not split because there are no Console runs, and probably there are no Console runs because the leaderboard is not split. :)

I hope someone will solve this, I may come back to Control in the future. I'll keep an eye open.

Thanks again.

Happy 2020 falks!



i'm interested in running this game on PS4 too, so i would also like a console sub category

Oh_my_gourdness likes this
Texas, USA

Are you guys still around? I run Mad Max and have all the records. On console. PS4 and then on PS5. There is no difference between pc and console for this game except for a stable if slightly longer loading time on console and varying yet still faster loading times on PC. The only difference.

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