Solo Tak / Solo Lok run
8 years ago
Vermont, USA

It would be a fun misc category to beat the game using either just Tak or just Lok. I've done some routing for it, but here are the places I still haven't found a way to do solo. Maybe others will have better luck than me!

Solo Tak: ¤feathercrag- the big vine wall ¤temple of light 1- the room with three buttons ¤temple of light 2- the whole split screen section ¤casters hill 3- the multi torch area at the end, specifically the two torches on top of vine walls ¤kiro biro 2- crossing the first water gap right at the start ¤fowlers murk 1- getting the final torch that opens the portal ¤the deepwood 1+3- the sections where tak is on cannon and lok climbs vines ¤ambush grove 2- after reaching the mammoth. (if the ambush grove skip can be done solo tak, it will bypass this area) ¤ghastfall 1- getting lok on the treadmill at the end

Solo Lok: ¤temple of light 2- the whole split screen section ¤fowlers murk 1- getting the final torch that opens the portal ¤fowlers murk 2- the chicken suit section ¤the deepwood 1+3- the sections where tak is on cannon and lok climbs vines ¤ghastfall 1- getting to the sheep, and also getting tak on the treadmill at the end ¤

All other areas can be done solo, if you find something or have any questions, post here!

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Lok only is definitely more likely to be possible than Tak only. You can do All Obocodobo torches and the end Lok only but it's super hard.

Vermont, USA

Agreed, solo lok is more likely. Where do you jump for the obo torches? Ive been trying all morning


You get on the platform where the rocker spawmer is and then you jump on the third torch and then you can jump to the second torch with a pretty long jump which is not too hard then you can easily get on the first torch. you can also get the the first torch with an extended mana jump from the bottom but that is extremely hard.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Beating every level Lok only is now possible (in theory) thanks to this new exploit.

Edited by the author 4 years ago