I posted a squad speed run a few days ago. I'm not complaining about the time it is taking to get it verified; I am well aware of the fact that mods are busy and have lives outside of verifying speed runs. I know that speed runs can take a long time to verify and that the process could take weeks.
Here's the problem though; 3 separate runs have been verified and put on the leaderboard since I submitted mine. These aren't runs that were submitted after I submitted mine either, it shows that each run that has been recently verified was played on and submitted after mine (and verified the very same day), including a run by SG himself. SG has been online multiple times a day and has verified multiple runs played and submitted since ours was submitted, including a WR.
Is there more going on here? Or are the mods just blatantly ignoring our run but verifying others?
They try and verify the shorty runs first so your run was probably longer. Just be patient it will eventually be verified
My 2 min and 18 run has still not gotten verified it got verified a few days a bit it got bugged and has to be verified again and they have not even verified it yet
bro it takes time there are more runs that get submitted than you think every week and its not like one verifier can verify every single run in 1 day lmao. + im not a verifier but it must be boring verifying like 5 minute house 6 players pb's all the time so it could get boring as you go on. Not saying this from expierience tho.
Mods can be busy one of my run took 2 months to get verified. In that case they should add more people as mods so that the runs get verified faster +Mods first verify their own run and they are lazy to verify others and if they are busy they should add new mod but they will not do that. I got notification yesterday of some wr where there were some mods and they verified their run . It seems mods are really a lil lazy to verify our run. We should deal about this. Ummm and if they can make more mods it will be better to verify runs fast. But they said they will not make any more mods so it will take time 😭 but mods should do something about this issue.
Allow me to specific, I’m not trying to rush the mods or complain about the time it takes to get it verified. I’m not even expecting the run to get verified in the first 3 weeks I’m totally fine with waiting. I’m just confused on why other runs that were submitted after mine are getting verified first, especially considering that ours is less than 1.5 minutes and that one of the runs submitted and verified after ours was a WR, which should take a much longer time to verify. I’m not trying to get verified faster, I just want to know what’s going on and make sure that the mods are aware of our run in case they didn’t notice it and moved on to more recent runs
Im sorry for what is happening to you and that happened even to me after like 2-3 weeks my speedruns got verified so just be patient and wait for the mods to verify it :)
nobody asked, nobody cares and nobody WANTS to care, so just shut up and wait until your run gets submitted, i'm tired of these people who always makes forums about the run not being vertified IM SICK OF THIS
@ChocolateF9 Ok ok, ya kind of gotta point if its not verified yet then just wait there busy
if it's an all chap it will take longer to get verified, we don't intentionally refuse to verify runs unless it's a 2 hour run then it's procrastinated
hello SG Congrats for the all chapter world record anyways does anyone want to do a duo speedrun in piggy w me?