Suggestions for speedrun categories
6 months ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Since we're getting to the point where the majority of people tends to finish the game we should consider which modes should be available.

Even though there were a lot of categories for the Trials of Mana Remake compared to the amount of runners I think it fits what's possible to run so that everyone can race what fits them most!

That means we'd need every plattform and every difficulty. But at the same time I think it could be wise to have a major category like (Any%) without any restriction (difficulty, glichtes, etc), but ofc NG+ should be its own category (without creating sub-categories for NG+ like different difficulties since the enemies doesn't scale in NG+ and therefore it would almost not matter on which difficulty you'd do your run).

So my proposal would be like:

  • Any % (PS5, XBox, PC) + (each difficulty)
  • Any % Glitchless (PS5, XBox, PC) + (each difficulty)
  • NG+
  • NG+ Glitchless

That would be a total of 26 categories what is in my oppinion a lot! But at the same time I don't think we can't trim this in any way down.

Does anyone have any further ideas or is there some talks already in the background about it that could be shared?

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I'd further consider something like BlackRabite% on each difficulty for those who'd love to optimise for a more competitive fight


One option to trim down the amount of categories would be to bundle some of them together. For example, Beginner/Easy/Normal could be one category, with a variable keeping track of which difficulty the run was one. This would obviously put those on Normal difficulty at a disadvantage, but unless more than 1 or 2 people actually run that difficulty/category, I think there is very little support for a divide to be had here.

Hard I think should be its own (sub-)category, though, as it is definately a step above the other difficulties (same for Expert).

In the end, though, it all comes down to the amount if interest and runners actually doing runs of the established category. I think a smaller pool of categories to start out and focus with could be more beneficial than establishing 20+ categories, overwhelming everybody interested in running the game with too many choices, and then have 80%+ of empty leaderboards.


What I would add would be Any% with the Unrestricted, Glitchless subcategory and a subcategory of the difficulties but only add if they really run on other difficulties and the other would be NG+ with the Unrestricted and Glichless subcategory. In addition to adding the Console/PC subcategory to the 2 categories.

Any/All, He/Him
6 months ago

Remember though that there is no reason to add a category that nobody runs

United Kingdom

Currently, I've mostly seen people run beginner and normal.

Easy seems like an unlikely run, just due to beginner being the option for faster/easier play. Potentially the same for Hard vs Expert. We'll have to see what comes out.

So far, I've just placed down any% with PC/Console split, and the difficulties. I'll add a NG+ with the same. Glitchless vs glitched will only be separated when it gets to the point where specific glitches actually change the run. So far, even with all the glitches found, a route/strat build hasn't arrived involving them making a huge difference to the game. When that becomes a thing, it's time to define and categorise.

United Kingdom

For anyone super pressed about there being no 'glitchless' category - A run has been submitted that utilises significant tech, and a new category will now be discussed and actioned. Didn't take long. :)

Edited by the author 6 months ago
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As we have now approached release - The Demo category has been changed to a misc category, so it's not shown on default anymore, if you wish to still submit or see these runs, feel free.

Any% Category has been created, as a placeholder. To give the speedrun time to breathe and rulesets to be create

6 months ago
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Posted 6 months ago
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