I've unmodded myself for Yama and Pibo
7 years ago
Isle of Man

They both feel I shouldn't be a mod, and the story is that I pushed myself into the role. Feel free to push yourselves into the role now. See the mods do listen :)

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
InvaderTim और Antizoubilamaka इसे पसंद करें

I'm not sure this really needed to be posted here.

Beld_X, yamayamadingdong, और Pibonacci इसे पसंद करें

Make me mod! Kappa

Krakenos इसे पसंद करता है
Ontario, Canada


InvaderTim इसे पसंद करता है

The way you're trying to create drama with this just shows that this is a correct decision.

But in general though, why is there no actual runner of any of the categories in rebirth or afterbirth a mod of these forums and leaderboards? I respect Hyphen a lot, I haven't seen Fluor ever participate in any discussion so I don't know his role, and my opinion on sillypears should be obvious by now; but completely independent of these, shouldn't at least one and possibly multiple of the best/most involved/most respected runners be in charge of these, like in pretty much every other speedrun community on this site, too?

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Isle of Man

Why don't these people you're talking about actually step up and do it? I've not seen you or Yama make a thread about this prior even though I've seen and heard you both talk about it at this point on multiple occasions, though you have made multiple threads about Zam's runs. There is no issue with you doing the latter, but when it comes down to win to actually doing what you said you want, there is silence. Step up and take some real action.

I also didn't randomly lock threads either, I closed threads that were talking about things that were happening in a different thread. There is no actual reason to have disjointed discussions. It serves no purpose. This was a mod thing I did. I also have an extreme bias toward the main 7-13 category that people run (i think it's bad) yet I don't force this opinion into it or the rules because the majority don't want that there. Instead I run what I want and will ask for it to be a misc category.

tldr; stop complaining about the mods in twitch streams and step up if you think it's necessary.

I for one refuse to do any speedruns until Sillypears is reinstated as moderator. It should not matter whether he runs the game. He has plenty of game knowledge and is well tied into the community and listens to feedback. If anything, he does not carry the bias that speedrunning participants have.



"shouldn't at least one and possibly multiple of the best/most involved/most respected runners be in charge of these, like in pretty much every other speedrun community on this site, too?" No, and this is why: A good mod should never let their biases affect their decision-making. With the most involved runners, their biases affect their standing in the rankings and in the community more strongly. Any decision made in a case of conflict will directly influence the way they play and the validity/standing of their past runs. In other words, they tend to have too much at stake in a critical discussion to be unbiased and objective. More often then not, they'll push for the solution that benefits them the most, especially if a lot is at stake. That makes them unsuited for being a mod. Granting them that power will often lead to abuse and, in the most extreme cases, division of the community.

Players like Hyphen and sillypears, on the other hand, are the optimal kind of mod. They are heavily involved in the community, know the game very well but they don't regularly speedrun it so they'll never have their personal standing and achievements at stake in a debate or conflict.

Sakk, Zamiel और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
गेम विवरण
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