LevelFirst place
Abaddon's Ascent
Antre of Adjournment
Behem Gauntlet
Branded Mine
Buried Archives
Chaos Crystal Cavern
Coddler's Cove
Conundrum Cubed
Craze's Folly
Crimson Plateau
Dark Reverie
Demongrub Pits
Fawcett's Bounty
Gauntlet of the Khan-Ur
Goemm's Lab
Grendich Gamble
Griffonrook Run
Hexfoundry Unhinged
Hidden Garden
Highest Gear
King Jalis's Refuge
Loreclaw Expanse
Mad King's Clock Tower
Mad King's Clock Tower (stopped instance)
Master Mushroom Spelunker
Mistlock Mountaineer
Mistwrought Vault
Morgan's Leap
Not So Secret
Obsidian Sanctum
Only Zuhl
Pig Iron Quarry
Professor Portmatt's Lab
Prospect Valley Crash Site
PvP Lobby Jumping Puzzle
Queen's Confidence
Retrospective Runaround
Scavenger's Chasm
Searing Ascent
Shaman's Rookery
Shattered Ice Ruins
Skip up the Volcano
Skip up the Volcano any%
Skipping Stones
Spekks's Laboratory
Spelunker's Delve
Swashbuckler's Cove
The Collapsed Observatory
Treetop Beehive
Trials of the Tengu
Tribulation Caverns
Tribulation Rift Scaffolding
Troll's Revenge
Under New Management
Urmaug's Secret
Vale Brazier
Vizier's Tower
Wall Breach Blitz
Weyandt's Revenge
Wind through the Walls
Winter Wonderland: Gingerbread Path
Winter Wonderland: Snowman Path
Winter Wonderland: Quaggan Path