1-3 Competition
2 years ago
Nebraska, USA

Times from the 1-3 Speedrun Competition held during October 1st to October 7th have been imported. An incredible amount of effort was put in by all parties and you should all be very proud.

I could only find half of you on here. If you would like your username changed to match your speedrun.com account, or if you've been added mistakenly, or wish to be anonymous, please contact me!

Also, point of discussion, should we have a legacy leaderboard that reflects the 1-3 Comp in addition to an up to date one?

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Hey! Nice to see support for this was added.

In my opinion, yeah! Having a legacy (pre-release or miscellaneous category) addendum of those who took part in the pre-release competition would be a very cool thing to add. It's cool to see what some of what other people ran having it linked to this board as well! The competition in this was very strong. Much stronger than I ever expected it would of been. xD

I'm curious if anyone else sees this!

Where did you even hear of Grapple Dog?

I only entered the competition because of another game I run, Beard Blade. I met the developer through there, and the developer messaged me telling me there was a speedrunning competition for Grapple Dog and I should try entering it.

It was really fun in general! I wish more indie games (or games in general) held these kinds of competitions.

Is there a release date set, yet?

And congrats again to everyone who submitted!

VeryLukely likes this
Nebraska, USA

Found it during the steam game festival, I love those events. Being on the ground floor for new indie games is super exciting and I'm surprised they don't get more traction. It's like a game expo but without all the pesky people.

No release date yet, but according to an article yesterday it's close (https://wireframe.raspberrypi.com/articles/getting-into-the-swing-grapple-dog): "When we caught up with him for a chat in early November 2021, Gribbin was just in the final stages of development on his canine adventure. Grapple Dog is a simple, breezy game on the face of it, but it’s clear that Gribbin’s putting a lot of care into the smallest of details ahead of its release. “It’s close, but there’s still a lot to do,” he says. “The majority of the content is done, I’m just in the process of stitching everything together so the game flows nicely… Grapple Dog is the most ambitious thing I’ve ever made, and I’m so excited for people to play it.”"

Based on this I'd guess late Q1 or Q2 2022, but probably best not to speculate and just let the man work :P

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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Hey First of all I want thank dannyb and super rare for having faith in us. Stijn and I are now the new (super) mods for grapple dog, and we are going to change some rules on speedrun.com. Some changes have been made to the page:

-Individual Worlds from now on the IW will be done WITHOUT the bos

1 year ago
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