Poll on potential new miscellaneous full game categories (no guarantees any will be added): https://forms.gle/1NicyErpgiQ2ruK2A
UPDATE: After some deliberation, Patient Zero only will be added for now, as a misc. category (hidden normally, but you can click to reveal it).
If/ when people do future runs of H2 special assignments, "all side missions", or any other permutation involving side missions, these may be added as misc. categories.
All full game categories involving bonus missions are being put in misc. due to historical low interest in doing those missions in full game, short categories (for patient zero/ special assignments), and possible addition/ removal of bonus missions in future (holiday hoarders and snow festival).
In the future, if more interest is shown in these categories, and/or the game becomes stable with new DLC, maybe some can become main categories. No promises.
New Full Game rules poll: https://strawpoll.com/ukddqrbca
Please vote on what should be done about resets in full game runs
UPDATE: Final decision I decided on is to introduce a minimum time penalty of 10 seconds to restarts. If you reset before 10 seconds into a level without changing starting location, 10 seconds penalty will be added for the reset. This will prevent endless cutscene restarts without penalty for it.
Poll on Season 2 Category
Please vote on if Hawke's Bay to Sgail should be added (as several have asked for it now)
The results to the Season 2 poll were mixed, with 16 to 12 agreeing they should be a Hawke's Bay to Sgail category, but the votes were split into 8 wanting Hawke's Bay to Sgail to be a misc category and 8 wanting it to be a main category.
Decided to split the difference and add HB to Sgail as a misc. category, under "Season 2 (no DLC)" https://www.speedrun.com/hitman_3/full_game#Season_2_no_DLC
By default misc. runs are also hidden on user profiles, you can make them show up by toggling this:
With 21 to 8 voting in favor of allowing it, for future full game runs you can use in game timer HUD instead of rating screen for Romania, in case of unskippable syringe cutscene.
Poll on use of Peacock server for PC players: https://strawpoll.com/44zvarz19
In a nutshell, Peacock server allows PC players to get a rating screen and SA indicator even when not connected to IOI servers, and it also unlocks all items automatically.
Link to Peacock if you want to try it out: https://thepeacockproject.org/
With a vote of 17 to 6 about a day later, will be allowing Peacock for future runs. If you use Peacock server in a run, make sure to mark the "Server version" variable as "Peacock" in the submission.
At a runner's request, I have added "kill all 10/11 agents" to Apex Predator (Berlin) as a variable (not subcategory), similar to the Data Discs/ Vault variable in Golden Handshake (New York). The variable is applied to both main and category extension leaderboards. Dartmoor/ New York data objectives (data tokens/ case file, data discs/ vault) have also been applied as variables to H3 Category extensions.
Put Season 2 (no DLC) in misc. category to be hidden by default, to avoid redundancy/ bloat.
Removed agent number (Berlin) and data objective variables (Dartmoor, New York) due to bloat. Left comments where needed on applicable runs so these things are still noted for the curious.
The mod team is wiling to try new ideas out for the leaderboard but sometimes it becomes apparent later that not every idea will work; thank you for your patience.
New full game reset policy clarification/ changes, hopefully not too complicated to understand. https://rentry.co/ewybr I'll stress that these are rules that are pretty unlikely to come into play anyways, but you have to be ready for every edge case. Will not affect how any current full game runs are timed.
Poll about further Peacock content and also master mode.
Poll has concluded. Although there is a decent majority voting "Yes" in each poll choice, for question number 3 I think I will lean towards keeping the H3 main leaderboard to having 3 columns. It's a lot of work to move runs, so I wouldn't do it without like an 80%+ majority voting for it. For questions 1 and 2, I will be making a separate ET Peacock leaderboard and allowing side mission master mode submissions to main leaderboard
Adjustment to rules regarding rating screens.
All SA and SASO runs will require a rating screen due to possible discrepancies between SA tracker and rating screen. Peacock -1:59 rating screen is acceptable for this, assuming the rating screen shows "Silent Assassin".
No rating screen shown (for any% runs) or negative score Peacock run, will result in a second added to the last seen time on the timer HUD for most levels/ exits (to prevent possible cases where the rating screen would have been one second later, if the rating screen worked properly).
Exceptions/ Clarifications to the above rule
- For Mendoza tango exit, add 42 in game seconds to the last time seen on timer HUD if the player did not interrupt the tango, and the rating screen is missing or glitched. If the player used a bomb etc to kill/ stun Diana to end dance early, then the run will be invalid if the rating screen is glitched or missing.
- For Chongqing camera exits, the run will be invalid if the rating screen is glitched or missing (as mis-aiming the camera can delay the exit, and the timer HUD is not visible while camera is being used).
- For Romania, if the player does not show the rating screen or syringe glitch happens, go by the last seen time on the timer HUD and add 1 second. (to prevent possible cases where the rating screen would have been one second later, without syringe glitch).
- For Freeform Training and Final Test, go by the last seen time on timer HUD (as these two level exits occur when hitting prompt).
Poll on potential "No major Glitches" variable for H3 leaderboard
Another poll on full game reset policy, please vote.
Hey everyone!
We've recently become aware that the new twitch highlight limit can and will affect a number of runs on the hitman leaderboards. Twitch will begin deleting affected videos on April 19th. Speedrun.com has implemented an update to help both runners and moderators identify at ris