Proposal for rules
3 years ago

Hey guys,

I'm Jonny and I'm kind of new to this forum but I really want to have exciting challenges with you ;) So I have figured out that the rules are kind of unclear in some ways. And I don't want that this racing for Dirt 5 is over before it really starts ^^ I think we are not so many here but it would be cool if we can grow our community here.

So I made a suggestion for how the rules could may be. I think it could fit very well, so we are all driving with the same conditions. I will even upload an video of what I mean with all of this. So please let me begin with the tracks / levels. I think we shouldn't drive the campaign levels. In fact that they are sometimes a bit different and the AI-drivers change from time to time. For a clear and and overall the same conditions, we should drive in Free play mode with some special settings. (You will may ask yourself now, why not time trail) very good question. I think in time trail there are ghost driver (which you could deactivate) but at the end you will fill in a list of the top leaderboard, its a nice thing but to be hones there are some buggy times from the release of the game and also some cheated ones.

So in free play you are able to select an Country like Brasilia, China etc. Than on each country you can choose between all tracks / levels like Brasilia / Rio Seafront / LandRush. I think that's perfect, because I wasn't able to find this track on the campaign also, anyways we had to choose our class. In my opinion we could drive with all classes "Multi Class". Like feel free to drive whatever you want :) Next would be weather. "Bright" seems to be very good to me. What do you guys think? Than we have time. I would choose "Midday". Additional we have timexfactor. We should go with just "1".

At least we have settings: I think 2 rounds are nice to play. And than we have the number of participants. We should go with even only "1". We can get sure that only we are on the track and everybody has a good and normal start. Than we are at the very least the difficulty level. I would go with "Very Hard". Nice after we got all this we are ready to choose a car and drive the track. After the finish we need to get sure all settings were used the same, so please always record the end when you got back to the menu. Damn that's a lot of text, sorry for that but I hope it will clear up the whole rule discussion ^^

Thanks a lot for reading and greetings Jonnny

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Play in the fastest mode and that's it

JonnyBrezel and Lidean like this

ok so campaign gets you with other cars and is the standard for a run has 2 laps etc difficulty doesn't matter cos if your not past the cars within a few corners your not gonna have a good run time

Time trail is just you vs the clock in 1 lap runs.

in henningvaer reverse I'm on 2:37 campaign but time trial is 1:15s as only 1 lap time is recorded as its set for basically fastest lap record.

So I guess still stay with campaign for now, then when more times are up or mods get time add sub category to each track with time trial.

although some tracks have time trial runs in i've seen, so i guess those that have it go for it until all sorted out. i mean there is only like less than 10 of us anyway so far in the category.

i mean it can get very complicated with the use of different cars etc faster or slower cars. so see what people are using and go with that for now, other wise gonna have like different times with different cars etc and all get to complicated

Edited by the author 3 years ago
JonnyBrezel likes this

Thanks for your replies. I can totally understand you "beatme" but I have an little issue there. Like the track "Rio Seafront" is not an Campaign track. So technically nobody is able to do this track. I do also think time trail isn't perfect for that. Like I would really prefer the "Free Mode" and as you setup once the settings they will be saved for all next "rounds" and you can easily go from track to track.

I really don't want to upset someone here :D I just want get sure everybody has the same main conditions. I think we need some rules. Especially there are none in the description.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Yea think once everyone has more of an understanding of all the tracks n maps etc. then sub category's would def be needed, as said some just don't work well and not in the game campaign but I'm sure free play is available and can use for set laps. but guess for now campaign if its available and time trail if its not. until mods add sub cats 👍

and nice time fella would be a shame if someone beat it already lol 🤣🤣👍❤️

Monmouthshire, Wales

Have we agreed on any rules as yet. From what i can pick out of the above is the general coconscious is to do the races in career mode. I have the difficulty set to very easy so once I'm away from the field there is little chance of me getting caught and an AI car screwing up my time. If the track isn't available in Career we do it in time trial, wouldn't free run be better as it would be more like the career mode. Im happy to go with whatever we agree but feel we do need to get a general agreement around the rules, then let battle commence. Nice to meet some fellow DIRT5 players too.


Yea agree fella but some are already done with time trail mode which is just 1 lap. That's why stated that, but I'm happy to do 2 lap runs in free run for the levels that are not in campaign and not already done on here.

I would say for now, who ever makes the 1st video for the course every one else follows, as long as its the same era of car.

So if someone does it in 80's or modern rally, you can't go to GT & beat them with it using a completely different ranked car.

Then when if more sub categories are made for this game, we can get more specific runs in

DynFe26 likes this
Monmouthshire, Wales

Sounds good to me, so first up sets the rules for that track. I guess if we add the rules in comments its easy for everyone too see.

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