Game Versions
4 years ago
Redding, CA, USA

If the community wants everything lumped together, so be it. I was not aware of any vote. If I want to be competitive I am going to need to invest in a JAP GC and disc, or way to capture HDMI as well as the needed console and game. All I was trying to do was point out that it is not an even playing field as well as a solution on how to create one. The HD versions have an advantage with easier AI. The JAP localization has an easier AI also giving an advantage. So in my observation of the data I have put the HD (regardless of system) and JAP regions together as they are the ones I (as well as others) am claiming have an advantage. We all agree on that. Your data differs from mine because I was not counting those not on the podium, only the top 3. Take a look at your data while subtracting 4th and 5th and it is not even. Sure I can run any system or version I want, but not competitively.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Well yeah top 3 changes, but top 5 has more room for what are the top console or versions. I had started a strawpoll in the discord only 5 people voted. That way we can get a more higher range. In doing a study you don't take 70 people to make a theory it's too small. To get a more accurate number you do thousands from all kinds of backgrounds. Started a forum post welcoming anyone not in the discord to vote. No one voted or even commented. The problem is despite it the most popular game no one cares to be active in discussing changes.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Redding, CA, USA

I would agree "The problem is despite it the most popular game no one cares to be active in discussing changes."

I have written down the leader boards as they are now and totaled how the podiums are EXCLUDING weapon master. 30 top 3 places belong to HD remasters and or JAP region. The remaining 14 places belong to SD non JAP regions. That is what I was trying to bring to light. If the community doesn't see this as a problem then I guess it isn't and as I said, to be competitive I'll need to run JAP or HD and get a way to capture it.

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

And trust me I want it to be fair for everyone, but also for the boards to look clean. Having multiple variables is not ideal. I'm wanting to find some way to do the boards to be fair and look nice. Which is another problem because say we have every category except some misc to be up there. Now you have several categories with a variable. If you lessen the amount shown now you have a problem having to click thru two or more variables.

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Alright I did split by version and decided to go with NTSC and JPHD everything is split up in the major categories Arcade, Extra Arcade, Time Attack STDs, Alts. The rest not because it would require creating more variables because again it's either all or not. I hate that system so much.

Hopefully this can work for you GainingGround and others to have a more fair playing field. I'm trying my best and even shortened the categories names to make it all fit in one row.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Redding, CA, USA

I appreciate the adjustments. It does seem a little closer to a level field. I am not sure what options are available for editing the lists/categories, so what I have in my head and what makes the most sense to me may not even be possible. By the way. Your run from 27 days ago under Extra Arcade NTSC on a 360. Shouldn't that be JPHD? Its still gold but under the wrong category.

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

No since it's NTSC SD.

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Alright so update on what happened since we gathered the region or version is the main thing. Which is why I created a page for SC II JPAL and turned SC II CE into SC II HD Online. All JPAL SD runs will go to SC II JPAL and all HD runs go to SC II HD Online.


Why not simply create a seperate sub-tab for JPAL SD under the same single leaderboard you already have here for other region SD runs instead of an entirely new leaderboard with the exact same categories that you already have?

I bring this up because I feel like the way things are now alienates the JPAL community. I don't think that just playing a different region means you should be regulated to a Category Extension board. Having a seperate subtab instead wouldn't interfere with other region runs after all.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Because it would look ugly to have JPAL and HD under along with the other variables. The games have been discovered to indeed be different enough for their own page.

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