Load Times

I am super hyped for the release of this game and enjoyed the demo a lot! I assume the demo speedruns are timed RTA because they're not taken that seriously, which is fine. Since I wanna run the game once it comes out, I would like to emphasize how important it would be in my opinion, to have a loadless leaderboard. Out of curiosity, I compared the load times of the first two demo runs and there is already more than two seconds of difference. I'd be happy to be a mod for this game and re-time runs to keep the competition fair for everybody.


How do you set it up?

You can either time use sites like Frame Count to time out loads of online videos manually. https://somewes.com/frame-count/

Or you can use Unload to time out loads automatically but you need the video file for that. https://github.com/milankarman/Unload#readme

The best case scenario would be an autosplitter, of course, but I don't know how to make one. (And it wouldn't work for Nintendo Switch runs.)

Edited by the author 1 year ago

i had already thought about making an autosplitter for when the full game is released. the only problem is console runs, the idea of manually retiming loads doesnt seem that fun.

separating pc and console is also an option but not sure if its the best one since assumably pc and console wont be any different other than controller.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

It would be great if you could make an autosplitter!

I'd have no problem re-timing console runs, I've done it a lot in the past.

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