Hi. so i am using audacity to try and clip the audio from Samus, and Adam, communicating. I want a pure emulated sample for my project, but i would need a play-through to the point where Adam locks the room under advisement from the galactic fed. its near end-game where they have this dialog. can some one provide a save file from just before that dialog i could use? i want to run an emulator on said save, to acquire the digitally pure boops and bips from their conversation, and not this crummy youtube boop and bip stuff i got from some one elses 100% run. X_X
it doesn't have to be a perfect speed run or 100% run. its just to clip the audio of samus and adam when they don't have music playing in the background during coms.
As of June 26th, 2024, all new submissions will require a full video in order to be accepted. We have also removed the caps on Nintendo Switch Online submissions, so runners on the platform are free to submit their converted times at any level!