4-2 Star section jumps
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Hi all,

I am learning this run and the one thing I can't seem to get right is the tight platforms jumps over the lava in 4-2 (the one right after you grab the star). I've watched the tutorial, I've watched a few PBs that include it. I have narrowed down that I am probably messing up the final jump somehow - all of the videos I have watched this jump appears very shallow and I can't replicate it (maybe 2 / 150 success rate).

Any tips on how to get this timing right or what is the input required?

I'm currently using V1.1 ROM with Gambatte because my SGB2 is not here yet.

Durham, England
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

You mean keeping the star long enough to kill the downwards facing plant at the end?


I assume you mean the second platform right after the star (you can also die on the fourth one, but that jump is way easier).

You really just need to do a very small jump and not bonk against the block above (although you can make it with a bonk, it's rare). I think you have quite a lot of wiggle room as to where you jump from, you can instantly jump or do one or two steps but that would depend a bit on where you landed on the platform.

It's one of the jumps I had/have the most issues with, but as long as I tap jump light enough I normally don't die.

LMMotoss likes this
Texas, USA

Somehow I am never tapping light enough. I have only ever made it with a bonk. So I will focus on trying to lighten up, thank you

Texas, USA

I am really only able to get the very short hop maybe 1/5 of the time. I'm not sure if this is a problem with my controller (Buffalo USB) or not. Would have to test it on my real SNES to be sure (but I don't have a gameboy flashcart so that could be very time consuming).

As a side note, does anyone actually know what causes the star freeze / how to definitely avoid freezing at the end of any star?


I use this buffalo USB controller: https://www.amazon.de/Buffalo-USB-Game-Keys-BSGP815GY/dp/B06XWD8QQJ/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=ibuffalo+snes&qid=1595023838&sr=8-1

I find it to be the easiest controller I've used yet to do small hops with (previously used switch pro controller, playstation 2 controller and a bunch of different keyboards)

Have you tried it with different grips? With my ps2 controller I also couldn't do that jump with regular grip, so I switched, only on 4-2 for that jump, by rotating my right hand so I could press jump with my index finger instead of my thumb, which makes it much easier to do light taps for me.

Out of curiousity: you can do a small hop with about the same wiggle room in regards to jump height to get under the seahorse in 2-2 (). If you can do that one consistently, it might be your jump location in 4-2 being weird rather than jump height issues

As for stars, you can't freeze in 2-3 and 4-1 afaik (or I haven't seen anyone report it yet). To be safe in 4-3 you can either screen wrap (needs v1.0) and stay offscreen until (iirc callumbals run does this) the last enemy, or just practice playing the level without star (which is easy if you have done it a couple of times). Or just pick it up when your time is not optimized yet and hope for the best as it's quite rare.

LMMotoss likes this
Texas, USA

That's the exact controller I'm using. When trying to practice small hops by themselves (straight up on an empty screen), I can manage to do them consistently if I switch my grip to only have my finger on the very edge of the jump button. But otherwise I can't really do it consistently while moving at all and that grip won't work for me for the rest of 4-2. I will be trying with real SNES controllers pretty shortly so we'll see how it goes. I haven't been trying the jump under the seahorse in 2-2 but thank for the tip about that. When I can short hop reliably I'll have to try that one too.

I have had one freeze in all of my attempts so far at learning 4-2 correctly. In 4-3 I usually don't grab the star anyways so I'm really only worried about the "mandatory" star grabs.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Durham, England
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Oh for that jump just slightly press a. I try to bring my finger almost above the button and lightly tap a

Texas, USA

I just can't do it =(

Anywhere in the run that requires a short hop I've come up with alternate routing but I'm going to have to solve that for myself or it will definitely be a brick wall for me.


Those jumps are rather lenient, so I'm a little surprised by your experience. As suggested, you should experiment with different grips. For the 1-frame jump at the end of 2-1 I used this one: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/478890469674319875/505887852702334997/piano_grip_sml.gif

Texas, USA

Yeah it is definitely a grip and motor control thing, not a timing thing. I have the timings how they need to be, my problem is 100% in not being able to reliably short hop (you all know that when you get a short hop there, the bonk block is miles away). I have had some success in 4-2 now by changing my grip for just that section to something that works. Not too comfortable but we will see how it goes. Thank you for all the tips.

Texas, USA

Final nail in the coffin on this one. I got in an SNES to USB adapter, and WOW

This has become way more consistent using the actual SNES controller. So we'll chalk it up to partially my hands and partially the controller. Should help me out a ton on real attempts.

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