9 months ago
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

I believe the category should be named Any% instead, because maybe 100% could include the creative mode and also Any% is the story mode/main game in almost every game

Washington, USA

I agree! 👍

GingerLegend and Krievous like this
Minnesota, USA

This is just what it was called when the board was first created and nobody has really questioned it but I think you're right. I am totally willing to change it if more people agree.

GingerLegend, Krievous, and chimkin like this
Saxony, Germany

There was no creative mode in 2021. Back then, you completed the game with 100% after the credits, which is why the category is called that.

But I have no problems if we rename the category to Any%.

Krievous and GingerLegend like this
Oklahoma, USA

i also agree

Krievous likes this
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Posted 9 months ago
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