Old Caves
6 months ago
United Kingdom

For anything with old caves can you use emulators like nox tag or stuff like that to access the old caves or is it more of a archive

Super moderatorKai.
He/Him, She/Her
6 months ago

its more of an archive, through if someone could provide a valid apk with old caves, ill post it in resources and allow it

United Kingdom

ok i was just thinking of doing this on a fangame which is set as a early version

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11/24/23 Leaderboard Overhaul /-/ All Runs Verified + Updated

Hello! I'm Kaixvny/Kai., over the past few months the state of the leaderboards haven't been great, with a huggeee backlog of runs that were unverified. I was added as a moderator yesterday night, as I had written a huge document with a proposed leaderboard overhaul a few months ago, sorry

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