Pre-course RTA proposal
11 months ago

Actually, I'm thinking of adding a new category. That's...all courses RTA!

It's about running all the courses in a row, what do you think? what's your opinion!

BlingGamer and Marchingboy like this

I plan to start the timer when the in-game timer for the first course (Flat Out) starts, and stop the timer at the moment the in-game timer for the last course disappears. I'll run it once just for reference.


There are 3 categories: Flat Out ~ Mariana Race, Downtown ~ Jumping, and Flat Out ~ Jumping, and you can run as shown in the video.

Seoul, South Korea

Hmmm should I add ‘all course’ category?

Seoul, South Korea

If u comment me, I will add it


First of all, I'm going to listen to responses from various people in this thread and add accordingly. I'll create the categories, so it's okay.

Queensland, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago

This seems cool :D


Would you guys run if I added this category?

South Africa

I would

kei8221 likes this

Okay, I'll make it now.


Once I made it. Please let me know if there are any errors.

I'll make another one soon. It took me 40 minutes to make one.

BernardB likes this

I found this category in the "Saved Categories" section. I bet the previous moderator thought of it too... .2500 stars or something interesting.

BernardB likes this

I'll close this thread now that I've made it all up anyway. Thanks.