Game Releases Nov 2, 2023.
Virginia, USA


The game will be live for submission immediately upon release and will serve as a kind of sister leader board to the original game. Being that cutscenes are skippable, and QoL features such as Fast Travel, new Missions, Fishing, and various other tweaks were observable during the demo we decided to split it off from the main board, as the original was split into a JP and English release, and there would be no need to do that with a region free game.

Being that I understand load times vary wildly across hardware if there is enough interest I am happy to split the board into console generations vs pc. Most of the time on boards I work with, I see people not wanting to do that as its lonely being the sole name on a misc board, but I am happy to make it work for the runners, as I know they bust their tails.

Please feel free to join the discord if you would like to discuss potential rules, or categories. I myself ran a Queen% on SO6, so I think that could be a fun addition, or perhaps a Fish% with unlocking all of the entries. Rules are pretty straight forward, as its any% do whatever you can to get the fastest time possible. Obviously there is no way to know if glitches will emerge, but these would be fair play, and we would love to see you make a video showing others how to do it.

I have posted a video on my YouTube about how to get a goody bag early (about 20 mins into the demo if it is kept in the main game) which can result in getting the Sword of Marvels for Claude, or the Sorcerer's Gauntlets for Rena, although it is heavily dependent on RNG.

Obviously it remains to be seen what the fastest routing will be, but it is looking like all items included in the original game will be in the new game (after much save scrumming the goody bag).

The boss in Cross Cave is known to be skippable at this point as long as you avoid the treasure chest closest to the entrance. I personally am hoping they expand the Come On Bunny skill, to be terrain based, as I have seen bosses, and chests in the demo in areas that only an airship could reach, and anyone who know FF7 speedruns knows what kind of interesting chaos that could be achieved with such a thing.

Anyways, hope all is well, and I look forward to all that time save.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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