Woowy is a hacker
6 years ago
California, USA

(The following is what allowed me to get Woowy banned on itsjerryandharry. I hope you'll see the congruency with your own leaderboards and realize how similar it is. AKA he speed hacks, and it's obvious.)

Your username: muffin_mobber

Username of the person you are reporting: WoowyBaby

What server did it happen: Parkour

Detailed description: Ezzerland didn't want me to make one of these because it would warrant only a removal of times not a ban, and that we should wait for undeniable proof. The only problem is, the only thing constituting undeniable proof seems to be when the person is viewed flying or spidering, which is not what Woowy does. He speed hacks at approximately 1.02x speed (This is a rough estimate based on two other hacker's admissions). Anyway, the point is that if all that we've gathered thus far has no influence on the status of Woowy and that one piece of undeniable evidence that we'll never get is all that there ever were to get him banned, I may as well post this now and explain that it's undeniable already.

His times aren't possible. Sewers is the most blatant, at 40.1s when the clear gap of .8s is impossible. Sewers is a complicated map with a lot of opportunity for improvement but it is also one of the most popular, and was incredibly optimized already to get to 40.9s.

Anyway, that might not mean much to most of you but it's incredibly good, basically, and it utilizes principles which most people have never heard about like force momentum*. Are faster times possible? The answer to that question will always be yes, as humans aren't capable of coming within perfection, but even were there to exist a strategy capable of saving some large sum of time like .3s, .8s seriously blows that out of the water. The 2nd most incriminating time in my opinion is OverTheHill at 30.5s. Here's the legitimate current WR run:

Given that you probably have already noticed, I may as well segue here to an interesting fact that he tries to take Razor's WRs. This is more evident when compared with his Hypixel Server Parkour lobby world records, where he takes Razor's easy world records whilst messing up his runs anyway. This is probably due to a toxic past Dragon Escape relationship, wherein Woowy constantly accused Razor of hacking and now seeks revenge by destroying his world records on itsjerryandharry. Continuing, the 3rd most incriminating time is tied with his End, Jungle, and Sonic times. I've already gone in depth about end but even after hackers are constantly being banned with times under 22.7, there still remains 5 22.5-s times. For Jungle, it is a very hard time to get, though it's probably possible, my biggest problem was that he got that along with the sewers and clouds world records on his first day (btw @itsharry my jungle time lagged-it's on video for you to verify-and I know you've made exceptions with people in the past by removing their times individually. If you would be so kind as to remove my illegitimate time on Jungle I would be very grateful. If not, that's ok, too). For sonic, it's sonic, and I've already shown you Rycerz's run of it in the past, and you can see it again if you want by checking the server's speedrun website. Then he has top 10s everywhere, except for the maps which would require some degree of marginal skill to place in the top 10 for, such as hellquest or library or prison2, further showing his need for speed to achieve good times. One interesting note here is his first top 10 run on DragonSkies, which is 2nd place, or 59.4s-btw a hard time. I bring this up because it points to the fact that he uses speed, which, obviously, would be most effective over a long map where the speed factor becomes more evident as time goes on (like a 10mph car vs an 11mph car over 10 minutes to over 60 minutes-a big difference). The last VERY interesting thing is that he's only ever posted two videos for itsjerryandharry, the clouds one after much prodding from me, and, very randomly, his frozenhedge pb, which is only 31.9s. You'd think he'd post some of his incredible world records but no, those he's stingy about, though I know he recorded them, considering I asked him about it. Also he's been banned in the past for hacking on this server.

Force momentum is when, usually when jumping UP a block, you press the spacebar immediately as opposed to holding it down, which evidently allows one to jump from the ground after multiple frames to after only 1 frame (I think it's 3 by default). By easy world records, I mean the maps which don't require tons of skill to get the world record on, maps like Clouds on itsjerryandharry, which are objectively simple to run. • https://www.speedrun.com/jh

Evidence (Video/Coordinates/etc):

This clouds run was spectated by your own Ezzerland, and as you can obviously tell, he literally failed the final leap at the end, and reset his jump before getting the first 27.8 (he got it again which he posted to youtube). This means that had he not failed, he'd have finished in, minimally, .4s faster. I may be wrong but 27.4s is far more incriminating than 27.8s. Here's the one he posted to youtube:

As you can see, it is very standard, and has all but one thing in common with my own former WR run of 28.3s, which he got half a second faster than (I would like not to forget I could be saying a whole second with respect to the possible 27.4s). Next is what I thought qualified a ban, but was supposed to be insufficient so in any case, I'll post it here.

Okay so fortunately for me, we start at the exact same time, and you can see that even in the beginning, he nearly surpasses me with his awful route. The very end though is what I'd like to focus on though, as I take the WR route (which it is, and it is worth mentioning that it is not a very weak WR: It was a tournament for 10euro where the fastest recorded time won, and the tournament included strong players such as 0bex, 0hnezahn_, 7777Alex7777, and Rqzorblade) and don't even cut poor angles. I turn relatively well, and he goes over the block and still passes me, NOT TO MENTION the fact that he did none of the small things which made me faster going through the cave. It really is as simple as cheating. Now I'll show you how he thought he was safe for posting a weak frozenhedge time, and how he actually shot himself in the foot.

That's the run he posted. Without reference, it may seem normal enough, but it's important to note a few imperfections: he chips the wall before the final stretch, he literally strafes in the last tunnel. Those things are only the things wrong with his already slow route.

That's my replicated route, which I did so objectively and fairly, and actually better. I didn't chip the wall, I used force momentum, and I didn't strafe, and I used the ice at the end better. That was my best run in 5, all ranging from 32.6-32.4s.

If it is difficult to label his run sped just yet, compare it to something which is only .2 seconds faster, apparently. Here you can see all the minor things I do that make the run so much stronger, I use the ice shortcut, I use slab boosting, I jump more in spots where it is possible (I didn't use the ice at the end, but if I did it would have saved something like .15s). Anyway, I hope when all things are reviewed, it becomes incredibly easy to see that he's obviously hacking. Just ban him. He's hacked before, he's hacking now. More evidence won't be coming, likely, as he has not logged on for a long time, and this is frankly undeniable. I enjoyed making this report on such a toxic person.

ariapath likes this
Maryland, USA

If someone could beat all of his records legit, I would respect them so much

Luweegee likes this
Berlin, Germany

Im a moderator for Minecraft DeathRun Speedruns, and its really hard to deal with those 1.02 speed hackers...the point is its a huge accusation to call someone a hacker but I think you did your research really well. I think its important to stick together in the diffrent MC speedrun types to find hackers and talk about players who hacked before.

Utah, USA

What? I have not “hacked before” but yes you are entirely correct that my past few runs are fake, but I have only hacked in 2018. Now I’m not saying I shouldn’t get banned right here. Go ahead, I’m not really going to do more Minecraft runs and yes you are right I haven’t played on a while. But everything in 2017+16 is real, I don’t know where you’re coming from that ive “hacked before”. I should clarify that my speed hacks were 3% and I tried to hide it by slowing my video down by I think it was 1% (not totally sure) So a faked 27.8 would be 28.6 and faked 31.9 would be 32.8. Also what the hell no I didn’t seek revenge I was being quite an idiot when I was saying razor was hacking a while back, I really should’ve he’s a good guy. Also saying that I don’t upload my runs isn’t proof that I cheat, or even is fishy in the slightest. How many people do you see on the leaderboard that havent uploaded a video? Also I was unaware of a 10 euro prize for any map besides abortingWork, so no I was not trying to win money. I don’t see how I’m toxic, but whatever. Can I keep all my legit runs here or are you going to delete them, because you want to ban me and wipe me clean of all boards? My old runs really are legit. I dont see myself coming back. I just want to keep them here and leave. Bye

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Berlin, Germany

If you are hacking, then you are "toxic" imo

California, USA

Right. So about you claiming you never hacked in 2016/2017. This is false. You were initially banned on itsjerryandharry the first time for having a 20s time on end. Furthermore, "Also saying that I don't upload my runs isn't proof that I cheat, or even is fishy in the slightest" is some pretty flimsy logic. There is far more incentive to post a 40.1s time on Sewers than there is a 31.9s on Frozenhedge. I never said you tried to win money, especially considering you needed to have recorded and submitted a run to even qualify. You are very toxic. You repeatedly cussed me out, called me bad at some endeavor or another (moderating on the SRC (which I was new to), my speedrunning skills, generally happy at my failings and shortcomings).

"Can I keep all my legit runs here or are you going to delete them?" If you are referring to the itsjerryandharry SRC, the only thing of yours that is remaining is your completion of all the easy maps, since it seems you did not speed there. As for hypixel, it seems they've already swept you.

I honestly just don't know why you gotta hack in the first place. Bye.

ariapath likes this
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