I was thinking for a CPU Iron Man Speedrun to be introduced here for the people who has really slow WiFi.
The Rules Would Be: 2 Stocks 6 Minutes Lvl 9 CPUs CPUs should be Random Stages: Random Play All Characters in Chronological Order Win One Match for Each Character 1-1-1-1 Guest Miis Allowed (?) Random Allowed (?)
Stages: Battlefield Final Destination Smashville Town and City Dreamland 64 Lylat Cruise
Omega Stages (?): Midgar Suzaku Castle Wily Castle
All Rules are from: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFaeel_cVIImEZ7ZrIrb_fSva5H3tsN24yp2INyrVLE/edit
Edit: Also, I think we should have one leaderboard for DLC and one for no DLC,
But I'll let you guys decide...
I like the idea. I hope it can get introduced to 3ds too cause bad internet is more common there
I love this idea. I have a for glory iron man submitted and lag was a HUGE problem. This would be a lot of fun, and a lot easier
I thought this was a great idea and clearly there were other's who supported this idea as well and it gives people that have bad luck with internet or just bad internet a chance to run iron man so this category has been added some rules have been tweaked though to make it more like an actual 1v1 Ironman on for glory and to make some things make more sense but the category has been added and can be found here http://www.speedrun.com/ssbwiiu#1v1_Cpu_Ironman
Thanks STAR fox, thats great! Can't wait to throw down a run.
"Time starts when stage is selected for first character (mario) " Could this be altered? I feel many would use the "random stages" mode for stage selection, which would cause confusion on starting time.
yeah didnt think about that lol I thought that people might just go into stage and do random yes I will change this rule right now
Could somebody update the rules for CPU ironman? the rules say twice "Chronological", meaning in time order, which would be some confusing arrangement in which game and watch is first, through Corrin, similar to how all star mode is ran.
TL;DR - Change "Chronological Order" to just "Order" in the rules for CPU Ironman
http://www.speedrun.com/ssbwiiu/full_game#1v1_Ironman Just letting you all know I updated the rules and everything for the Ironman speedruns, so go ham and make it worth it for the work ;D enjoy bois and girls
modded CSS doesn't add any characters, but I don't think mods should be allowed during runs as they can add cheats
Seconded, I disagree with modding during speedrunning in any way, save for a very small number of exceptions. The way they influence even the loadtimes of the game can never be determined, and therefore can never be truly fair. Anything that modifies the game has a chance at creating an uneven playing field, and should be avoided.