Wrong Warp to World 8
8 years ago
United States

Mitchflowerpower spoke of a wrong warp he discovered while not streaming that allows the player to warp to World 8. He was unable to perform it on stream, unfortunately, but I think I found what he might've done to warp.

Here is a video of me wrong warping to World 8.

Could there be a new category? Will it change any existing categories? Or is it completely useless for speedrunning? I'm clueless :p

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Most of the wrong warps possibilities are already known (among other people, producks did a lot of investigating related to reaching the end of various worlds, duplicating items and stuff like that).

It won't change any category for obvious reasons ("any% no wrong warp" and "any% warpless" have the restriction in their name for a reason I mean, and hundo is about beating everything anyway). About something like any% no WW, the point of the category is to be the "traditional" way of beating the game before wrong warps. If you start adding a wrong warp to it, but less useful than the one used in any%, then it loses its purpose entirely.

About creating a new category, my personal feeling about it (and I know it's shared by most other players after discussions we had a few weeks ago related to another glitch) is that the 4 current categories have a perfect balance regarding what's possible with the game. Creating a new category based on inferior wrong warps (compared to the any% one) seems really useless at this point.

LeddaLawrence likes this
United States

Makes sense. Did Producks record any of the other wrong warp outcomes for the public to see?


If it's not in his highlights on his twitch channel, then you should try to contact him directly, as I'm sure he'd be happy to give you more informations. He's probably the person who knows the most about the various possibilities at this point.

United States

Alright, cool. Thanks a ton.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Washington, USA

This is the wrong warp for the current any% run, isn't it?

Mitch has even performed this at GDQ once, and is the current category world record held by Mitch, performed on stream around 1.5 years ago.

His current world record: http://www.speedrun.com/run/dy4139dy

His GDQ run (skip to 54:25 in the video):

Pennsylvania, USA

Warping from world 1 to world 7-1 to world 8 is slower than just straight to world 8 with the whistles...


elipsis the point is that with some alternative wrong warps done in 7-1 you can do stuff like skipping the first autoscroller of w8

and yes lightofeon, but that wasn't what was discussed in the thread.

Costa Rica

Adding link for reference, the only thing you skip is the first autoscroller. http://tinyurl.com/z3lj3v8

Costa Rica

The video I shared was done using fceux 2.2.0 , the emulator I used the most at the time before switching to nestopia. I am concerned by what you said, and I never intended to misinform anyone, furthermore I just wanted to add information to the subject, which by the way I am sure you already have.

I am sorry that my curiosity for the game and/or any other strats that you might have found in the game in your time running and routing it (which has been longer than mine) was bothersome, and I do look forward to getting to learn more about smb3. :)

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