Need Help?
9 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

If you want to ask anything, or need help with the game, feel free to ask!

shug70 and tatticadanito like this

Its a bit late, but i'd like to start running this game and i'd like to ask you two things:

  1. How do i get good ? I know it may seem a pretty stupid question but it's impossible for me to complete the game without dying so i'd like to know some tips.

  2. I just dont understand the leaderboards, why is there an "Any% no deaths" but there's also a separate "any% no deaths" for every class ? Shouldn't be better to have a normal Any% and then have separate "No Death" category for every class ?

hugo4fun likes this
São Paulo, Brazil

First of all, sorry for the late response tatticadanito! I'm still traveling back from AGDQ and I'll reach home tomorrow, and so the responses are going to be faster.

  1. Besides playing at all, which improves how you deal with the surroundings, there are a few tips:
  • avoid getting surrounded. The AI will try to do that most of the time. Learning how to move around with dashs (quarter circle forward + jump for all characters) and rush attacks (quarter circle forward + attack with everyone but M.User) improves you survivability a lot.
  • spells in general leaves you in a invincible state while casting them, and will freeze enemies in place. But the game only allows ONE spell in the screen at the same time. This WILL LOCK your menu AND your Spell button while an enemy cast a spell. So if the Lich is doing a Lightning Bolt attack, move out of the way instead of trying to hit or cast another spell. Beware that casting the Cleric's Desesperate Attack (Turn Undead) UNLOCKS this state, so it's possible with one in the party to cast spells while Synn is doing one of the Breath Attacks, which counts as spells.

I do have a bit more hints on that, but that will require you to be more specific. Tell me the problems you are facing, and I'll do my best to help.

  1. the "Any% No deaths" has only one reason to exist: to not have only uncontested WR. Once more people get into the game, it will be removed. Since just me and Rogel run the game, that new "category" made us more motivated to play, and made us lower our times. More than once people have told me of that, and I'm thinking about removing it, but feedback is highly valuable on this to make a decision.
tatticadanito likes this

Thanks a lot for your tips, i'll try to improve when i have a little bit of free time. Anyways, good job on the run at AGDQ it was really entertaining :) P.S. I hope to catch you streaming one of these days.

hugo4fun likes this
São Paulo, Brazil

I will probably be back at streaming around the 18th, since I'm still travelling in vacation with the family. But I'll be reading here every day! ;)

shug70 likes this
Texas, USA

HUGO! been enjoying your stream since I caught you on AGDQ.. good stuff!

Im just starting to play this game and was wondering what your preference was on the PS3 controller when pulling off the special moves: I have always found using the d-pad for the inputs easier than the analog stick (say for example down, down/forward, forward + jump for the slide)... which do you prefer?

hugo4fun likes this
São Paulo, Brazil

The only reason I use the PS3 controller is noise. I do stream late here (around 10 P.M. onwards), and the noise from a arcade stick would wake up my wife and daughter. I do agree that stick is better for those moves. I do use the D-pad on the PS3 controller thou. Analog is not for me. xD

shug70 likes this
Texas, USA

cool! I might invest in an arcade stick then and see how that plays… thanks for the reply Hugo and grats on your 1st place run!!

EDIT: I do have a question about something you mentioned in your guide:

Arcade Quartermaster's site

Excelent site with the "how to play the game for the first time" and very well designed. He also lists all moves for all characters, which is not intuitive. The Steal list for the Thief and the way spells are used is dumb-proof.

I have been looking on this site and I cannot find the "how to play the game for the first time" section you mentioned.. ? I am interested in checking that part out ....

hugo4fun likes this
São Paulo, Brazil

Hmm, I might have not expressed myself well. What this site contains is the basic descriptions of items , spells, characters and bosses. Like the game manual should be, if one existed (I don't know if does).

shug70 likes this
Texas, USA

Ahh ok that makes sense man. For some reason I was thinking there was some specific section to that website named "how to play the game for the first time" LOL... my bad Hugo :)

I have got a lot of great info from that site all the same. Very helpful!

hugo4fun likes this
São Paulo, Brazil

Don't worry shug70. It's good to have feedback on what people is getting from the guide. :)

shug70 likes this
Oregon, USA

Hi, I've recently been running this game as a hobby and wonder if anyone has gotten the quick kill on Synn with the elf? I've been trying and I can't get it to work and would definitely appreciate any tips.


russellbland :)

São Paulo, Brazil

Russel, you mean the Large Burning Oil Kill or the Lightning Bolt Kill? I know this might be too late, but if you're still interested, I do know a bit about them, but it's a really big wall of text.

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