2 years ago

i am speedrunning some Labyrinthine, but i cant send what i speedrun. Here's the problem.. Im doing CO-OP little-cases sessions with 1 other player to find the exist. There are at least 5 maps which we played ( i cant name them, my english sucks ). There are at least 3 map sizes ive played on ( very small, small and normal) There are 6 different maps There are 3 difficulties (very easy, easy and normal) There are 5 player categories (1-player, 2,3,4 and 5-players) Assuming mods here are inexperienced in making a proper Individual Level leaderboard, i suggest taking example from phasmophobia and forewarned games : in short, you need to have Map names as "New category" , you need to add in "Individual level difficulty" the 5 player categories i named previously and after that, you need to add Variables (of all the other categories). Assuming that the @MODS will take note of this suggestion, we would have similar speedrunning leaderboard & experience to the other scary games (Ghost Hunter Corps, Phasmo, Forewarened). Anyways the current IL is impossible to submit to and its been at least 7 weeks since i asked for a change and none responded, which needs a change

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Gaming_64 likes this
Oregon, USA

The Case Files game mode you're talking about with the varying sizes and difficulties is a randomized mode. It probably won't get it's own category, since it's not possible to generate the same randomized maze for different groups that want to compete, you know? Most other games with randomized maps have a way to input a seed so runners are racing on the same map, so unless that capability is added to the game in the future, having categories for Unkept Hedges, Kept Hedges, Sewer, etc. would be kinda pointless. Also, there can only be 4 players in a group, so a 5-player category would be perpetually empty.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
agilis and mgriffin93 like this

omg i dont know even what to respond to you in one sentence, i'd assume you have at least one hour in the game as a speedrunner and that your english is not bad and that you know it, but you @Amallah seems to really not understand anything !! im saying it clearly , no ? im going to respond to everything you just typed. Yes. Cases have variables and its the thing that is the potential of making this speedrun page great. MANY POSSIBILITIES. Exactly like maps in Forewarned, they are processual generated, so its never the same maze (of course, its a maze). YOU/ME/PLAYER picks the map of choice (you decide what you chose in menu), just as in Old Phasmophobia, you're only given some maps of variable sizes. Here the mazes have not only a map they're associated with, but also a variable size. So we're at 2 variables. There is also the difficulty. There is also the Player count. There are 4 player gamemodes/categories. Thats 4 variables, plus one more if the Updates are bringing big change. And for "it wont get its category", what are you talking about? for IL those little cases ? thats exactly how is built Phasmo and Forewarned. Forewarned doestn even have a proper Fullgame. And the Full-Game categories in Labyrinthine are adventure. So it fits well. Plus, there is NO IL right now. NONE. it says "moderators havent assigned a difficulty for IL yet". Look, it says "game added : 2021-07-06 " (10 months ago). THERE MUST BE A CHANGE. You say "input a seed" ... uhh? what? You ever seen Zardy's Maze and Forewarned games. Procedural gen for you is banned on the website? Please read again the Rules of SR.C , ive read them all multiple times. Its accepted. So, instead of being negative and aggressive on keyboard and instead of talking to me in a superior tone, i suggest calming and respecting your equals @Amallah im not waiting any feedback from you. This is a public forum. Im addressing to, as the rules say, to the "community". And i expect the mods to be slightly brighter for the future. Do i have to repeat that we cant even submit to the IL right now? Like I said, check Forewarned page, its greatly made.

Gaming_64 likes this
Oregon, USA

I think you've read my message wrong, I was not intending to come across as insulting or superior or anything, just trying to provide my input since, as you said, this is a public forum that you've posted on.

Again, nothing in my post is intended to be insulting or aggressive, just informative. I realize the insulting tone you've adopted in your reply is from a misunderstanding of the tone of my post, but to set the record straight, I've got 635 hours in this game and I have a pending run that will lead the solo any% board, my group currently leads duos (about to get knocked down to second here, but still), trios, and will lead quads shortly, so I've got knowledge in this game and speedrunning in general.

I realize that other games speedrun randomized portions of the game. To use another game as an example, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (and other games in the series) regularly operates speedrun races using a randomized copy of the game. They do it by generating a seed, similar to the Case Files seeds when you look in the top right when holding TAB, and sharing the seed amongst runners that are competing. That way everyone has access to the same, randomized copy of the game. That's what I was referring to in my post: Labyrinthine doesn't have the capability of sharing a Case Files seed between runners, which is the method I'm used to seeing in all of the games I've participated in randomized runs with.

So I was providing my experience and input in why it probably won't happen. I wasn't trying to knock your idea, wasn't trying to insult you, nothing like that.

"And i expect the mods to be slightly brighter for the future" "Assuming mods here are inexperienced in making a proper Individual Level leaderboard" "i'd assume you have at least one hour in the game as a speedrunner"

Being intentionally insulting toward me or the speedrun mods who volunteer their time to do this won't get you anywhere, though.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
agilis and mgriffin93 like this
Virginia, USA

@akuretaki... so case files are not intended to ever become a speedrun catagory as it stands right now... reason being im almost positive i addressed previously in the main discord page for the game itself

reason being is simple and as addressed by amallah (sorry i forgot to give you that mod sword here oversight on my part that has sense been corrected)... case files have to much randomness and variability in it there is no way to fairly present the same case file for players to challange and compete on yes the map TYPE can remain the same however the orientation of the maze landmarks safe houses supporting structures ease of navigation monsters present overall size and other variables that can contribute signifigant time to the run overall or slash minutes if you get amazing RNG also speaking on that the sheer volume of additional catagories that would need to be present is through the roof to make it semi fair for people to compete which also does not take in account player level whereas a team can have 3 level 50 (current level cap) players and 1 level 1 smurf account and as long as the smurf hosts it then the map is always going to be the smallest available and the monsters are guaranteed to be slotted from a smaller list making the overall run easier and therefor shorter tilting the scales this is further compounded by again the sheer RNG... a speedrun is an exhibit of a players skill with a sprinkle of luck the leaderboards should not be a representation of who got the best RNG but who is able to navigate and beat the game as swift as possible and so the best way to capture that kind of data is simply who can beat the game in the shortest amount of time and by beat the game i mean the story line of the game not the case files

good luck and have fun :D

agilis likes this

@Akuretaki Nothing you even remotely said made any sense in regards to what @Amallah said. I see someone trying to help, offer assistance, and then there’s you, who completely goes off on what can only be described as incoherent nonsense. I think you owe someone an apology & maybe not insult one of the most knowledgeable Labrynthine community members other than the developers themselves.

mgriffin93 likes this
Virginia, USA

@agilis ............ zero lies detected... i pale in comparison for modding the discord he usually responds instantly to anything on there before i ever have a chance to read it lol

agilis likes this
United States

Despite this forum thread being an absolute mess, and kinda scaring me away from wanting to run anymore, I have been interested in speedrunning this game. It would be nice to have Individual levels which are each chapter. It’s possible to select each chapter 1 by 1 and that’s how I would practice an prepare for a full game run. I don’t think the cases should be the IL’s though.

mgriffin93 likes this
Virginia, USA

@tyshoe Looking at that subjectively it makes sense to break out individual levels for the chapters and as such has been added I also added additional "meme runs" for each level in conjunction with the completion run for the individual levels

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