Time saves in the current route.
5 years ago
Texas, USA

A few things I've noticed and adjusted for myself I felt like would be beneficial to share on the off chance someone is as inexperienced as myself with the game.

  1. The bird section at the beginning lasts 60 seconds exactly regardless of if you do anything.

  2. The chocobo knight chase : The enemies that join the fight after an enemy has been throwing are waiting in a sort of queue, waiting to have a spot to fill. So, by not throwing any guards and keeping the max amount (4) on the screen at all times, you can prevent archers and cannons from ever joining the fight. Only shake the controller when a knight reaches you to defeat them and you'll take no damage. Obviously, toss the archers that show up. Ideally, you'll see two archers and no cannons and take 0 damage super consistently.

  3. Blaze fight : Blaze only gets stunned when he's thrown far enough to get his aerial shot off. If he bonks an object before that projectile comes out, he will take no damage and wall hop. Super frustrating until I was able to understand LOL.

  4. Instead of running from Grassland to the shuttle you can warp and then teleport to the shuttle significantly faster. The shuttle is the default option so you can mash A when arriving at the warp pool and not select the location from the list. (On the way to the dance, on the way to the palace for end game are where this saves time over current route)

  5. The rooftops of the garden are not faster than rolling. You lose time jumping.

  6. The Pearl, Gold Ring, and Gold Earrings cost 1096G in total. As long as you are at 775G+ by the time you reach the chest (before the hood section, right after red leaf) you'll have enough. I try to keep track of this because it's exceptionally common for 'Limit Express' to make passengers on the train run into you and lose you money.

Also, this is my new winery fight strat. If you always start by holding down, Keiss will fall downstairs. You get this super fast pattern if he falls down right away.

This is my escape sequence. It saves 9~ seconds if you don't get hit. Less, obviously, if you do.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
MelonSlice likes this
Texas, USA

Considering picking up the game? It's an absolute hoot!


I have in the past like last year but its super long haha busy so would have to be free one time :)

Pennsylvania, USA

Wow nice finds glad to see someone put a lot of effort in this game, game helped me out back in the day....only reason I didn't go further is youtube never allowing me to upload it lol

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