This is just a heads up for everyone. The mods are now keeping a list of banned players, and all runs submitted in the future by these players will be rejected. Any player that is caught cheating from now on (10/9/20) will have any runs removed from the leaderboard and will no longer be able to submit runs.
For the other mods, I discourage telling the general public who did what. Things like cheaters should be dealt with privately and away from people's attention. I understand that they cheated, however, we will be no better if we were to ridicule and shame them in public.
I can obviously only speak for myself, but I personally would like at least some insight into how cheaters who have been caught earlier are handled. Not that I'd want any names thrown around, but I think a brief explanation of "anyone who has been caught intentionally cheating is on the list" (or if they aren't, and explanation of why that is) would be reasonable.
why are ppl getting the same times in bedrock, one pb is 1.650, 3 people got the time, it seems people are using the same autoclicker or speed up software.
Imagine if someone cheated on a meme% that would be sad
@ThonkingKong People cheating in any game is pretty sad too