Recording LiveSplit and Game
7 years ago

Hey all I have the problem that I can´t record LiveSplit and BF3 correctly so both are visible in the video. Neither fraps nor OBS Studio works. Is there a common trick or did I miss any settings? Thanks in advance :)


i dont know about you but i record/ stream my speedruns in windowed mode so i can put my splits on the taskbar and i tend to use window capture and then scretch the screen to my liking in obs studio.

I know there is a better way to record or stream but this has been working ever since i started speedrunning and i have only 1 monitor

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I´ve done a bit further research and managed to record BF3 in windowed mode + livesplit but it lags a bit. However I couldn´t find a tutorial or setting on how to move a window over another. I´m using windowed mode in OBS too and playing without recording is lag free but when I am it lags horrible.

Any help is appreciated :)


Sorry for my English, yes I want livesplit to appear on top of the game, so it´s visible in the video capture. I´m currently using 10.000 bits/s but lowering to around 4k makes no difference, even when set to 30fps. I´ll try out NVENC later, eventhough I don´t think my cpu is overloaded. It´s probably using most of the cpu for livesplit as it´s on top of all other programs. Most games would be unplayable this way but bf3 doesn´t seem to take much performance so it still runs with small lags.


Thank you very much :O The NVENC setting works and it doesn´t even look that bad now. It´s not full screen though but ok in my opinion! I had only 60fps when it lagged but that´s usually more than enough?. Looks like my cpu didn´t do much performance for the game in the background. Now it´s totally lag free and quite good quality with 5.000bits/s and 130fps.

Thanks again for the support. I´ve been looking for something like that setting.

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