1 year ago
Ohio, USA

Could there be ils for the chapters of the game? Maybe a autosplitter should be made first though.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Western Australia, Australia

I assume you mean categories for beating the game starting at certain checkpoints and ending at other points. I'd normally support this, but given how short the game is, adding categories for each start & end point would simply be bloating the run selection. I reckon the three options currently present are more than enough.

MCKight and Spoon366 like this
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Start time changed!

I know not everyone reads or is inside the Fears to Fathom Discord, so I wanted to inform you of these changes. If you aren't aware it was decided to change when the timer begins, this doesn't change old runs; they will remain the same.

The new start time is written as so: Change the start time

1 year ago
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Posted 3 months ago
Posted 1 year ago
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