Possible changes to the leaderboard
7 years ago
Michigan, USA

Interesting ideas but I have to ask why? Nobody runs any version but 0-00 and it will only be ever ran as a joke.

Gamecube and Wii seperation makes sense but really isn't necessary imo, just adds more hassle all around

Segmented would be a nice addition, might push people to do it more

Michigan, USA

Version differences could be all on the same leaderboard but have an easy identification as to not make many categories

Michigan, USA

Unsure if having 0-00/01/02 filtered would be needed, because people would avoid 0-02 alltogether. Only situation I can see it being relevant would be if 0-02 is the only version someone already has.

I think having platforms differentiated is a neat idea, but it would probably confuse new players if Wii means the trilogy version lol.

You could have segments added as Individual Levels. Maybe have a subcategory for full-game segmented runs?

United States

Game Version: I'm ok with this as long as its not used to sort the leaderboards any differently Having an extra column on the table is harmless. I don't see why not.

Segmented: Yes please. The majority of primes early runs were segmented and having that history visible on SRC would be cool by itself. Perhaps just having separate categories like "Any% Segmented" and "100% Segmented" would be the simplest solution. SS runs wouldn't be on these boards. "It's segmented but only one segment" is counter intuitive to the point of having a segmented listing at all.

Individual level's for segments sounds harder as not everyone will run the same segments and segments change along with routes.

Platform: I'd be OK with listing platform in our current boards. I'm not sure how useful it would be to have a separate sub-category for GC vs Wii

Edited by the author 7 years ago
BashPrime and Dyceron like this
Texas, USA

Ditto for what icefire said. A few things to add:


  • Include 21% that has video ONLY. (If I'm not mistaken, that's in the rules for submission anyways...)
  • Minus the older runs, any new segmented runs of ANY category should require video proof. (Up to a certain point, up for moderator's discretion.)

Individual Levels for segments has too much variance outside of Frigate and maybe final bosses? There's a lot to look in to for ILs.

Dyceron likes this
New York, USA

Agreeing with Icefire and Justin. Definitely good changes that could be implemented for sure.

Texas, USA

Segmented category for sure would be great like icefire said not to include SS that would ruin it's point. Video proof required of entire run for a post onto the leaderboards. As for the other things. I don't think it really matters if we have versions listed (0-00/01/02) and I would think it would only cause confusion to people looking at the leaderboards who don't know too much about the game. GC vs Wii is a good distinguish for loading differences and if we could find a way to make it obvious it's not trilogy version when it says Wii that would also be great.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States


I don't think this is really necessary but I guess I'd be fine with it. I wouldn't really want to be the person that had to and watch old bad runs to see if they were done on PC or not though, and of course there's no way to know if a run was done on 0-01 at all if they don't do Arboretum gate skip.


I have always interpreted "platform" to mean the platform the game was intended for. To me, adding a Wii platform option would be appropriate for trilogy runs if we wanted to have a combined leaderboard, but not for running vanilla GCN prime on a Wii. However, there are other games such as Super Mario Sunshine that do this, it wouldn't be unprecedented.

Segmented runs

I have shared my thoughts on this matter many times but I supposed there's no better place to reiterate them than here. The main reason I don't support them being on SRC is that SRC does not have infrastructure for it that would consider adequate. If we had the capability to set up the leaderboards so that SS runs are shown with the segmented runs but not vice versa, then I would be all for this. But that isn't possible, and despite a SRC full mod's assertion that it's on the to do list, certainly I doubt we'll ever see it.

There have been a few ideas floated around about how to get around this issue. One is to add a segmented category and require that the run actually be in multiple segments. I think this is a bad idea mainly because the leaderboard it would present would paint a highly inaccurate picture of the state of the game. This is what it would look like right now:

  1. Justin (0:52)
  2. Jack (0:53)
  3. M177 (1:00) (no video but grandfathered in)
  4. Bartendorsparky (1:01)
  5. MPzoid (1:03)

No T3, DF, Claris, Verallix, Edzan, Missa, RealBread, R_Web, Icefire, Remi, DCR, Aliensqueakytoy, or Morse despite all of those people having better any% times than MPzoid, and in a version of any% that has superseded segmented any% if they are the same time or better since the dawn of speedrunning. I would not be at all in favor of creating a leaderboard for segmented runs if that's what it would look like.

The other option is to manually duplicate every SS run submitted. This is actually what I did for a while when I first made the leaderboards. It was a terrible experience. Eventually I gave up on it because not a single person had even submitted a segmented run in the half-year-to-full-year period I was doing it, and we do have the google doc for posterity.

tl;dr I'm not reading that wall of text

If I had to rank these ideas based on how palatable they are to me, I'd say platform followed by 0-00/0-01/0-02, neither of which I would I get all that upset about. Segmented runs with SRC's current (lack of) infrastructure would happen over my dead body.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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