Which emulator should I use?
5 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Friends, I would like to know a little about your experiences about which emulator works best, closer to the original hardware. And mostly accepted here! I'm trying to submit some runs here, but I do not see any leaderboard talking about any of that. I talked to my friend Pandaburrr and he said that BizHawk is generally accepted. So I need more information. From now on I am very grateful for the collaboration of all.

Greetings, LeandroAmadeu

WeaponLord likes this

Some forums stablish rules for what emulator is accepted, but this happens when a lot of runners feel interested on the game. This is not usually a problem in games that don't have much competition. As long as runners do not nottice some real visible flaws or frame speed increase that would be like a "cheat", I mean.

I think if you feel ok with an emulator you think is closer to original hardware, you are good to go. This is my personal opinion by the way, I don't know if you will get any other answer here. As you can see this game doesn't have many runners.

For my run I used Psxfin. For the reason that it doesn't have much configuration (not even fps configuration), so I wouldn't be worried about this. I don't know if it's an ok emulator in other forums.


Edited by the author 5 years ago
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