I removed the IL lap times leaderboard due to inactivity. When I was the only runner i wasn't sure if they would eventually be used, so they were made. Its obvious to me now that IL leaderboards are not necessary. If runners want them in the future, use this thread to request. Thanks -kp
so. i have been thinking. are you guys still playing the game? my thought was to add the speed lap under IL. the potential to "hot lap" in practice with no traffic. record your best lap and thats it. this would add the other route onto the boards. thoughts?
edit: my responsibilities have expanded over in the sonic series. i was considering adding you both as mods. this way you could verify each others runs, (no self verification) and do with the IL boards as you guys see fit. the last thing i want is this game to fall in the cracks.
Hot lap seems like a cool idea and I'm definitely down to be a mod. I'm sure Punkin would be down too.
done. you both are mods. the only thing i ask is logging any changes you guys make to the game here for transparency. thankyou.
oh wow! thanks! c:
I like the no-traffic IL for each track, I think that would work well