Lobcorp Speedrun community accounting and management stuff.
1 year ago
Florida, USA

Hey everyone! It is I, TQ, your friendly moderator here with a couple of things that need to be looked at and handled.

First off, congratulations to SuamaX for their speedrun on RTAinjapan, coming up in about an hour and change on their twitch channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/rtainjapan

Secondly, thanks to akiruiko for figuring out why some people's games were loading significantly faster than others: the load screens appear to be framerate dependent, and so we have to figure out how we're going to handle that. Other communities have done a framerate lock to 60fps in order to maintain fairness, and lacking a speedrun timer that automatically cuts out load times I don't know of any better ways to handle it offhand. I am open to suggestions, however!

Thirdly, I'm looking to expand the moderation team. Ideally it would be someone who can speak Japanese, as most of the Speedrun community that's active is currently from the JP community. I'd also like to get a couple of moderators in here, since these runs are between 2 and 8 hours. If you're interested, please drop me a message!

That's all for now, thanks very much for your time.

why don't we make a discord server for better communication

I don't know what to say about the fps part, since I have no idea how much gameplay changes with fps change, in terms of both convenience and record.

I would say that as far as record isn't affected much, it should be left for runners' convenience, considering the performance of this game is already bad.


The difference is 20min in NG+ and 30min in TR (a rough approximate). You can check it yourself via nvidia control panel setting. For runner's convinience, we can apply fps rule only to competent records as other leaderboards do.

(compare 20/60fps)

Florida, USA

why don't we make a discord server for better communication

Why... don't we do that? I'm gonna get on this now, please expect something at some point in the near future.

According to the video transition animation is total 33s each day in 20fps, so 11s in 60fps and 4.6s in 144fps

I suppose the calculation of 20 min comes from difference of 20fps and 60fps, but we are not limiting to 20fps

The difference between 60 and 144 would be around 6 min, or ~8min for True Reset. It seems to be a meaningful difference. I didn't try much enough but I could notice slightly more click lag with 60 fps limit.

Personally I'm biased towards not limiting fps because the run is already a pain.

What would others think about this?

or if anyone's familiar with categories that take more than 4 hours I would like to hear about it.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Framerate affects all over the dialogue part ("DAY X" transition to assignment screen). The difference between 60 and 144 is much longer, so not 6-8min.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

oh sorry I didn't notice it's that extreme. I guess it's not just a coincidence suama could almost get a new WR in the event.

I agree with the idea of limiting the fps.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Florida, USA


I made the discord, it's VERY.... uh... Basic. I'll be adding it to the resources page now.

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Rules Updates

We've got a couple of official rules updates for both categories!

First off, timers have been officially removed from the requirements, so if you hate them you no longer are required to use them.

Secondly, due to the incredibly high impact of framerate on Lobotomy Corporation's running speed,

1 year ago