New (misc?) Colo Categories?
7 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

So, i thought about some more (misc. would be fine too^^) Categories for Pokemon Colosseum. Golderzoa tested a Typhlosion-Route and I also thought, that a All Snags Category would also be cool.

Let me explain real quick, why more categories would be pretty good:

  • All Snags or 0 Snags would be very fun to run and watch and I'm sure, that there'd be some Runners to do it and It would bring new things into running this game

  • Typhlosion (and maybe Bayleef?) would also bring another level into running the game. A Typhlosion run is close to the 6h mark (currently). And maybe, there are some people interested in running other things than the usual ones. So, just as a suggestion: A Typhlosion% & Meganium% (Any% Ruleset) And an official all snags Category (I think, we could find a ruleset for that)

It would be cool, if this would be possible.

Kind regards,


FroggyIL likes this

All Snags as an official category would be cool IMO. Wouldn't hurt to have Typhlosion/Meganium (although I can't see anybody wanting to run meganium) as misc categories either. No Snags is also something Golderzoa has been working on and would be cool.

Ryddyx likes this
Bavaria, Germany

So, if an admin reads this - Would be cool, if you could replay and/or - even better - Make those categories possible :D

U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

All Snags is something I would differently do, all because Master Ball duplication is possible xD

Ryddyx likes this
Bavaria, Germany

But when the category exists, maybe someone is tempted to do it - We could test it for a while, and when nobody runs it, we still can delete the category

North Carolina, USA

All snags, all trainers, no master ball duplication% when? Though seriously an all snags wouldn't be ridiculous to have as an alternative longer category.

Pengy and Ryddyx like this
Bavaria, Germany

So, to sum things up:

  • All Snags seems interesting
  • And 0 Snags would be interesting to see how it would work
United States

I'm just a bystander in all this but 0 Snags is something that would have my attention.

Ryddyx likes this

All snags should be a category already, while 0 snags sounds like a misc category to me.

Ryddyx likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

IMO All snags is the closest category we're going to get that's a completionist run, and we already have a run of it done by BeekLK, where upon 0 snags is the closest to a "bare minimum" kind of playthrough. I believe I was told there's no reason to add a category unless a run has been done, so at the least All snags should be up here, a few other runners have also tried doing runs but have yet to complete.

As for meganium/quilava, i doubt those would get categories since it's no different than someone running yellow and calling it pikachu%

just my thoughts

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Ryddyx and Gnist like this
Bavaria, Germany

@zewing - Before we can complete an All Snags run (and add it to a leaderboard), we need a ruleset to follow (Start/Stop timer and things)

When we got rules to follow, we can complete runs for the category

Pennsylvania, USA

I thought the rules were taken care of, time would end on fade out on final battle, but I'd like to have that verified as well

Ryddyx likes this
Bavaria, Germany

But it would "only" be Snagging all - Not Snagging and purify all Pokemon, right?

EDIT: And as confirmation you could scroll through the Shadow pokemon list after the last split - When the PDA says every pokemon is caught - It's confirmed

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

The counter in Colosseum only includes Snagged Pokemon, and it's not possible to snag Togetic unless you snagged all other prior pokemon. Also this game has no indicator that you snagged every shadow pokemon aside from the blatently obvious final fight, so pretty much once that fight ends is best indicator of ending.

Ryddyx likes this
Bavaria, Germany

Aah Ok, so a runner needs to keep track of his snags without the PDA - And when you got all - The final fight is triggered - And when the Togetic fight ends (With togetic caught of course) the run would end right?

Pennsylvania, USA

Yeah there's nothing after that

Ryddyx likes this
Bavaria, Germany


Sorry for asking - I only did All Snags once (casually) so i dont know that much^^

So, when the togetic fight fades to black the timer stops, Timer starts as usual - And the Togetic would be the verification that you caught all pokemon and it ends after snagging togetic (after the fight)

So, that would be the end and a good verification of the run

Bavaria, Germany


Florida, USA

I'm bumping this thread. Mods Plz

Ryddyx likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

It's best to go out and talk to the mods outside of srcom, just poke them via twitch DM's cause I know Lblueeagle has been streaming a lot lately

Ryddyx likes this
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