Asking about the state of speedrunning
9 months ago
California, USA

Are the new glitchless% and any% routes currently in effect? These category changes are frustrating because we were told that the rules wouldn't change until after the new update drops. We weren't asked for our input for these changes and we are still waiting for to know what (if any) glitches are allowed in glitchless%. The load remover is also borderline necessary to keep the speedrunning playing field as fair as possible. It wouldnt feel good if someone with the most up to date pc crushed any of our times and made it impossible to WR. I really just feel like I shouldn't run because of this. Also it's very frustrating that we are receiving no direct responses or even having what little input we've suggested heard. Please tell us what the state of speedrunning is here and ask us for our input here or in another thread before making huge changes.

jas314, Tegron, and g0dh34d like this

I decided to be as mature as possible when it came to communicating with you and G0dh34d but it doesn't seem to be the way that I should be dealing with this... I might have to lower myself to your level just for one post to feel a little better since having you two for days has been quite a bother to my back.

I will state this only one more time and you shall follow my words as best as you can, otherwise, I honestly would just have to use the ban button since I can't keep waking up to these posts over and over again when it's clear that a communication being private would do wonders to us 3.

If you would like to talk about this topic, you shall reach me out in privately, however, anything that is going on behind the scenes are up to my mods and myself, there is nothing that will be discussed out until it is finally released.

As for Glitchless%. If you check on the rules it says "It's not ready" we are still working my mods and I on the rules.

Remember the reason why you are a verifier here, as well as G0dh34d was because I felt like I could trust you two into first modding the place (which you failed by being offensive in the OFFICIAL FEAR & HUNGER DISCORD [Specifically #Speedrun-chat which everyone can read]

And continuing to not have a proper reason to "block me" because of "personal matters" well... It really comes down to just being a constant bother that I have to balance my choice. I think removing the Verified role would maybe make you communicate with me through DMs so we can solve anything that's going on... But still man, it's been a while since I asked it really feels like I shouldn't allow myself. I have a lot going on these days and constantly reading notifications here it is tiresome and would love to just go for the easy way out.

But yeah, responding to it again, since it might be lost in the huge wall of text:

Any% is active right now as the rules are written in the Rules Section (It has been for a while)

Glitchless% is not ready yet, the admins (Not you) are going through rules based on what the community wants.

The role that I gave you two, Mods, was out of respect that you guys were friendly with me and with enough knowledge that you can go through the time of reviewing anyone's speedrun time. However, the more I look at it maybe it was not the right decision and I should just sit down and review these videos as best as I can... Most of the runs that are submitted are not even reviewed, they are just accepted without being watched once. In my opinion I think I will allow my mods and I to come back to this so I can familiarize with speedruns again and see if everything is doing well when it comes to the runs.

Thank you so much for being a Mod and a Verifier this whole time (Also adding G0dh34d to this since every single message of Canisu doing this has been supported by him with a heart) but I'd like to go back to being the one who reviews the content.

Mind you, any kind of spamming in this forums will result in a ban and yeah, like you said openly in F&H Discord Server... You will have to take this into a Report ticket... Jesus I'd love it if I wouldn't have to read such offensive and agressive posts being posted in an open public place where, like I said before anyone can read. If only someone in F&H Official Server would read what you guys type because, it might be true that I am not there, yeah... But I can still read it with as much ease as you have to write and it just builds up hatred.

Have fun speedrunning the game in Any% for now, Glitchless% will be coming out later once we have free time... And also, do not bother the mods, they are currently Sick at the moment (Physically sick IRL, they are not feeling well).

Edited by the author 9 months ago
He/Him, She/Her
9 months ago

Raccoon, you're being a terrible host.

Not only do you ignore the wishes of the most active players, but you also wish to keep all the power to yourself. Then you write a huge paragraph trying to intimidatingly coax the entire community into thinking you're some kind of victim of our opinions on the state of this community. This hobby that I share with you is nothing else than providing a place for people to compete and communicate the way they'd like to with one another. When things as simple as this are getting this complicated, it is a sign that you're doing things wrong.

The new year has left us with an old you, and I hope you can leave this empty pride behind.


I mean... I'd love to have some sort of modding going on in the Official F&H server to not have to read the stuff is written around there about me at times, if that is not "playing the victim" then it is being the victim then.

Private communication is one of the most important things that I just can't hold myself accepting that is the best way to solve things like this... But if it really comes down to the point of only having a public means that I can be offended more to have a solution happen, then it is going to have to be.

My stance has never changed... This is a place where people speedrun the game, but we are only but a few runners in a game that has been here for a year or so, that is worrying considering that we need to make the least amount of hurdles to get people into running this beautiful game.

The time I tried to speedrun F&H 1 I had to do so much to get the LRT working and even then it didn't work and we decided to just math it out since the program did not work at all.

The least amount of obstacles we add into people who want to speedrun, the better... You know what it is? Yeah.

Add timer, screen recorder and that's it.

Nothing else needs to be added to speedrun, and I've seen a lot of places where people speedrun, as well as categories in, a lot of people are not into LRT and I accept that I want to be part of that group that doesn't allow it since it is more hurdles to a game that needs to be simple so we can allow more people to get into, we are VERY FEW PEOPLE WHO RUN THIS GAME.

Maybe once we have a lot more people settled in the speedruns we can then slowly move into LRT, but doing it so fast will cause more people to have a hard time getting into.

Though, I have asked Ruuppa to help out with LRT, so if he is able to make an easily digestible tutorial in how to make this possible then it would be good to have LRT back. Just waiting on him since he is actually sick IRL.

As for Rules, it is true though, we are reviewing everything to see what we can and can't do for a Glitchless%.

Please Jas, do not worry about this and focus on your own exams.


Well maybe you should not harass people on that discord server so you could tell us that we are being offensive. Or perhaps make your own speedrunning server. And if you don't want to be a part of the community, why are you offended by what this community thinks about you?

Edited by the author 9 months ago
Tegron likes this

Pretty simple answer to this:

I have no connection with anyone in that server, so no harassment is being done in it.

You can check that I'm banned from that server and there is no messages that can reach those users, so this is already a silly statement. I noticed that there are offensive things being said and well... Stuff like this around and memes done about me and I have to speak up since it is in a public chat when I have no way to talk about it, sadly.

Making my own speedrun server would be nice, yeah, however, I don't know if people would be interested in one being made for communication.

It would definitely help out a lot if you guys are up for it... Any of the runners who are interested in seeing changes and stuff like this of course.

You let me know and I'll make one, but... Then again... Most of the runners have me blocked or have some kind of grudge so is this even a possibility to begin with?

I am being offended by my own community because I am providing a place where people can speedrun and all I get is hate and it's quite bothersome... I could do my own thing like other people do, you know, do my own Youtube stuff and video editing while also changing stuff here every now and then, but I decide to indulge into the bullshit that happens since I am... I guess more interested in seeing the other side of things than most people who are "famous".

You let me know and the opinion of others if you want a Discord server purely for speedrunning news and stuff like this. At least that way Canisu would read my messages.


I don't remember blocking you, but I remember you blocking me after I insisted on you answering my question about autosplitter. You make it sound like discussing any topic in your DMs is easy, but every time I asked you something there, you simply said that you would not do anything or that you were too busy. Also you tell that: "Glitchless% is not ready yet, the admins (Not you) are going through rules based on what the community wants". Could you please tell me who these community members are? As far as I remember, there are only three active Termina runners: me, Canisu, and SpaceCow.

Edited by the author 9 months ago

Communications over DMs with you are all memes and childish behavior. I offered Canisu to speak with him because I do not see that in him.

Like I said, maybe a Discord server would be the best way to communicate with since there won't be memey talk.

Glitchless% is being talked with Ruuppa and Wayne.

The current runners are not just you three, Spacecow hasn't been interested in running for a while sadly.

We have shamisen and MACKSATOMS that you need to take into account as they are runners.

Do let me know if you want a Discord server for speedrunners since Ruuppa can communicate it.


Do you really want us to believe that you asked Shamisen or MACKSATOMS before banning LRT? Also MACKSATOMS did use it in his run, so at least me, Canisu and MACKSATOMS are not against it, wich makes 3/4.


I did not ask them. I said it is being asked around by mods around.

I said we need to talk with these two and take their takes into account... That is why we need communication with a Server


So, basically, the community you reffered to there :"Glitchless% is not ready yet, the admins (Not you) are going through rules based on what the community wants." consists solely of your friends, regardless of whether they are actual speedrunners or not (spoiler: 2 out of 4 current mods have never aploaded or verified a single run, other 2 are long time inactive)

Tegron likes this

I would like the current active runners to have a voice in the Glitchless% discussion, is it concerns them directly. Consider this my official stance.

California, USA

Raccoon I've stated it before, I blocked you for personal reasons. Please respect that. These forums should be enough to have discussions about runs, but instead we are being ignored and demoded for stating our opinions on the rules for running. Meanwhile you have modded someone who we dont even know who has never run at all. Its incredibly unfair and grossly irresponsible to treat this as some kind of extension of your discord server. As one of the two most active runners i do believe my suggestions should at least be respected or carry weight. Im sorry but my decision to block you still stands because im afraid of the harassment you might continue to give me.

Tegron likes this

Thread is locked from now on.

We'll be continuing this conversation through the Discord server that Ruuppa will be linking in the official Discord Server.

Hopefully we can continue chatting there.

Any WR runners will be asked about the changes in Glitchless%

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