Clear Rules?
8 months ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

For the official no items top blue side there are no rules stating that you cannot use the teleport, play spacing or starting before the count down ends. I would like some official rules so that myself and others will know exactly what they can and can’t do and so there won’t be any misunderstandings.

Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
*Over* Speedrunning Competition

Goal - Beat the world record for Outpost Gadgets Only%

Time Limit - The competition ends at the beginning of February so you have this month

Prize - Anywhere from 50 - 100 usd or 12k - 25k buttcoins

Side note - Changes may be made in the form of time extensions, amount of prize, e

1 month ago
Derniers fils de discussion
Publié 8 months ago
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Publié 8 months ago
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Publié 8 months ago
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