BrazilRenoncius4 years ago

Oh, about playing on tablet? Yes, it is allowed.

BrazilRenoncius4 years ago

Once you unlock Eleven she will be with you even if you reset.

My suggestion is beat this game casually once, then unlock Eleven, getting eight eggos. If you want to know anything about itens, where find them etc, you can check this walktrough:

We dont have a Discord Server for this game itself but feel free to join the Mobile Speedrunning server (just search for "Mobile Speedrunning"). We're always active, if you have any questions about the game or resources to speedrun.

BrazilRenoncius5 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late response. Actually, this game is kinda easy to train. I may have played a some hour just on first level then i started Any% and Boss Completion.

I think i have 6 or 7 full run done, actually. I didnt find any major glitch so no special skill is required to achieve a good time.

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

I have added a Boss Completion category, since it has on leaderboards, i think it's relevant.

Also ive joined with/without eleven categories on the same tab.

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BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

Erm, actually to clear the game just beat the last one is necessary. I just realize we all were doing inefficient routes. LUL

Maybe we add an Boss Completion category in future. But in Any%, just beat the game as fast as you can.

I will start doing better routes. xD

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

I have revised the rules text and add the Classic/Normal categories.

I changed "must have 0 key cards" to "you can only use key cards from this level" because the player still could use a valid route and not use the extra key cards.

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

Hi, welcome. =)

This game was added recently here so the rules are still being ajusted. I'm not a moderator and i'm discussing some o these rules.

Only the game time is being used and probably is going to keep this way. All categories are in Classic difficulty, for now theres no Normal Difficulty category.

There's some runs without video that were acepted but I sugest you record because this will probably be required soon (it has to be).

Again, welcome. =)

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

There's something else I noticed about Individual Levels. There's some Levels you can collect extra key cards, this way you can save time on future chapters. On IL could be a rule you only use the Key cards from that Chapter.

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

If I subtract the final in-game time and the iniatial in-game time and compare with anexo external timer It won't get the same time. If I menu pause, the game won't count.

And submit the full time doesn't make that sense because it would only matter the time spended on the individual level, no matter how much time were spended before. If It were like that, whats the difference between any% and IL Chapter 8, for example?

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

Yeah, this may work. On Individual Levels open the menu right before enter the level and the game always shows que final time. Something like Completion Time minus The last/most recent time shown before enter the level.

This way all categories can use in game time and there's no need to use an external timer. Real time could work only as a tiebreaker idk.

Sounds ok this way.

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

I would put this on the other thread but it were getting too big.

I'm sorry if im being annoying but i dont know where else i can discuss these stuff. Maybe some rule have to be revised. Here some suggestions.

Any%: If we're using the in-game time, the rule should say that. If we're using Real time, the rule should say when exactly the timer starts and ends (Ex.: Starts when click on New Game Button and End collecting the Eggo of Hydra chapter)

100% without Ele: "You can't use Eleven until you collect the 8 eggos" and reach the box, right? Or is it right?

Overall: Explicity say exactly when the time starts and ends.

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

Hey people,

So, I've been training to the any% category and I notice a thing: the in-game time is not exacly the real time. The game doesnt count when you are on menu. My 3:15 run, for example, took abou 3:23.

This raises some questions. What time should be counted? On chapter 1 and the full-game categories the in-game time can be used. But the pauses create some advantage? Maybe yes, cause on 100% you can plan your routes while running.

And what about the other Individual Levels? You cant time well the start of it with in-game time.

What should be done? The levels 2+ be timed with Real Time while Level 1 and Full-Game with In-Game time or everything be counted with Real Time?

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

Before I submit this, there is a thing with the level 1 rules.

"Real time= in-game time minus the in-game time when you started the level.

From beginning of the game to the grabbing of the chapter 1 eggo."

The level actually starts after you enter the car but I think the intention on the first is count the time since the beginning of the game. This may have happened because on replication of rules of the others levels.

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

The reason my run was rejected: "I'm sorry but your playing in normal mode and when you select 'Exit Dungeon' the enemies don't respawn and that is not fair."

Im sorry, this rule was there before?

I dont think this is unfair since anyone can do it aswell. Killing the guard on second room and passing by with eleven have almost the same time but i do the first strategy because of the time gain when i will be there again. It is a legit strategy.

In this case, you cant acept any print as prove so you cant tell what difficulty were used on these any% category.

If it would be like that, it would have different categories with Normal and Classic modes. I dont think it should be the case.

BrazilRenoncius6 years ago

Can I submit a run without a video?

I just made a 3:21 chapter 1 run and only have a printscreen as proof.

Plus, what is the best way to record on my phone?

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