In Melee Rule will it add no Throw weapon & ETC as in melee. like rule before?
5 years ago
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Should add ban some melee weapons because peoples gonna use molotov and chemicle & Etc. in melee rule. lol

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Georgia, USA

I will probably do that as soon as I get the chance to tidy up the rule set. I would also need to look at character specific weapons. i.e. David's Wrenches because technically they are also throwables.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
witchakorn likes this
Chiang Mai, Thailand

I think David Wrenches consider Allow From Last Rule even I use it too But Except the others that not allow to use as i mention before. (it from old leaderbroad rule) And....My PS2 not working Anymore so i cant speedrun ever again. T^T (Like a Memory)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Georgia, USA

Witch we need to get you set up at somepoint if you can do so with the emulator so that you can continue to run with us. I will take a look at it.

witchakorn likes this
Georgia, USA

Ok Witchakorn I have editted the rules so far for REOB File 1 and File 2 will be updated soon. Here are the new definitions for melee weapons:

Melee Weapon: A weapon composed of solid material meant to establish a blow of force (physical damage) without firing projectiles.

Therefore, any weapons that do elemental damage or penetration damage are banned in this category.

These include: -Stun Gun -Stun Rod -Chemical Bottles -Molotovs -Explosives of Any Kind

witchakorn likes this
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Yeah...I wish i can play EMU on pc but just lack of Knowleage about it to Install the game and use joystick or something. I will try to check it if my PC can do that or not and Thank you For The Melee Rule Update Explain.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Georgia, USA

Definitely look on youtube for set up instructions because it is now easier than ever

witchakorn likes this

My 10 year old pc could handle REOB on EMU so I'm pretty sure anything you have will handle it too. Had to set it all up again in the last week due to a pc upgrade and everything works as it should.

witchakorn likes this
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Wow thank You for PC Detail. i will try check on it O^O