Single Stage Runs
6 years ago
Hesse, Germany


I am wondering if it is possile to submit runs for only single stages? (I have checked the Lotus 3 run and there is only full race as category available or I missed something)

I think it would be a nice addition to this game with this new category. There also would be content for that, because yesterday I recorded a run for stage 01 - so there would be a starting point for my suggestion.


Czech Republic


But you cannot select single stages (at least from what I know), which makes grinding them a bit frustrating. And I see there is actually no need for difficulty categories because there is just one game mode.

I only did one Lotus 3 run so far, because the AI can be really annoying, as well as that turbo-zone track with laser beams.

Hesse, Germany


thanks for the answer.

Every Stage is accessable via a password, so it easy to pick a single stage.

Night = TWILIGHT Snow = THE SKIDS Moto r= LIVERPOOL Storm = E BOW Fog = PEA SOUP Desert = PEACHES Marsh = BAGLEY

Maybe we can figure out a solution for this - lets try to kick off the game a bit

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Czech Republic

Ah, I forgot about that. Okay then, I will add them.

Hesse, Germany

Cool, thanks mate.

Btw: Stage 01 is missing ;) It has no password thats why it is missing in my list. The offical name is "Forrest Course"

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Czech Republic

Added. What should be the category? Just best time, or hot lap? Does the game actually diplay it? I haven't really played L2 much, only L1 and L3.

Hesse, Germany

We should start with best time as category.

There is an ingame timer which is basically a countdown timer. If this reaches 0 you are game over. By driving through Checkpoints you get time added to the countdown. If you end your race mit 15 secs on the timer you drove faster then if its displaying 9secs. (maybe stopping time via livesplit would also be a valid option)

I will upload my video with ingame timer and livespilt so you can see by yourself.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Czech Republic

We should avoid using livesplit if there is a way to get correct IGT.

Hesse, Germany

Alright, then we use ingame time only, I am totally okay with that. My first attempt (with many flaws) will soon be uploaded :)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Czech Republic

Btw, in Lotus 3 I found out that it doesn't matter at all if you use apexes or fastest racing lines. It has no effect on your time. Could be same for L2.

Czech Republic

I checked your runs and it seems like you are given a specific amount of time for each checkpoint, but unfortunately it is never same, so I was thinking we would change the category to "Time left" and sort the leaderboards in ascending order (the more time left you will have, the higher on leaderboards you will be). What do you say?

Hesse, Germany


yes thats a good idea, I was not sure if you have the possiblity to set it up like this.

So if I submit a run, should I select the time left on the counter so my time in the recent two runs would be: Stage 01 = 00:00:15s Stage 02 = 00:00:10s

Thanks mate

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Czech Republic

Yeah, it's probably for the best.

Hesse, Germany

Awesome thx

Alright did the adjustment andsubmitted my Stage 01 run again.

The game itself was not unknown back then, lets hope more people will jump on board.

So Lets get ready for racing ! :)

Czech Republic

Tbh the most (and imho best) popular game in the series is Lotus 3... and only I have ever done a run of it. I even had to create the game series because noone else cared :(

Hesse, Germany

Dont worry I am pretty sure I will challenge you in Lotus 3 in the next time ;) (is it also possible there to play single stages like in this one?)

You have to see it this way: The Number of active Players of the Lotus Series has increased by 100% in the last days :)

I will try to create a small Guide (like I did for the Settlers) as well as hand in some more Runs in the next weeks, so maybe this can get us some extra attention, lets see.

Can we (not instant) change the names (and the order) of the single stages?

  1. Forrest Course (No PW)
  2. Night Course (Twilight)
  3. Mist Course (Pea Soup)
  4. Snow Course (The Skids)
  5. Desert Course (Peaches)
  6. City Course (Liverpool)
  7. Marsh Course (Bagley)
  8. Storm Course (E Bow)


Wogen likes this
Czech Republic

My run is nearly perfect. You can get maybe 3-5 seconds off but not more. Lost 2 seconds on the first course due to bad rng and then another 2-3 due to a mistake. If you can somehow figure out how to not get hit by a single beam on turbozone course, you could save a few more seconds, but I have never managed to do it. I tried to brake before the beam that always hits you, but then you get hit by a different one instead.

As for the passwords, it only seems to be to progress in championships.

Hesse, Germany

Wow okay it seems you put a lot of afford into this, still I am interessted how close I can catch up to you. Of course I am totaly fine with second place :D

Will check it out soon.

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