Background Music
1 month ago
Utah, USA

Quick question for like longer runs are we allowed to just have your own music playing on the background (Especially for like 1 toon runs) or is that not allowed incase you get like top 5.

Zanum likes this

why would that not be allowed

Zanum likes this

Yeah it's allowed as long as you can still hear the game audio somewhat (so don't blast it too loud lol)

Zanum and YoshiMariogamer like this
United States
She/Her, They/Them
1 month ago

can confirm just have it low lol

Zanum likes this
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Leaderboard Release!

Hello everyone! The Dandy's World leaderboards are officially here! Make sure you read the rules, they give VALUABLE information!

Currently I'm the only moderator so I'll try my best to keep up with submissions as they roll in. Eventually I will get other mods to help me out :)

Have fun runners! G

2 months ago