blastbolt has started privating past world records
2 years ago
Czech Republic
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Speedrun of getting over it is fake because everyone use golden pot to speedrun that give you high jump and makes game much easier than the normal one

Levi_OP, Merl_, and RuralTrex666 like this

Low tier bait


Getting Over it with Bennet Foddy.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

yep that's it, enough proof. blastbolt is cheat.

Merl_ likes this

Speedrun of getting over it is fake because everyone use golden pot to speedrun that give you high jump and makes game much easier than the normal one

Levi_OP, Merl_, and RuralTrex666 like this
Pennsylvania, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

he didnt private past wrs, he privated past everything because he wanted to try to exploit youtube in some undefined way and it didnt end up working, and simply didnt unprivate them

He/Him, She/Her
2 years ago

where is blastbolt

London, England

if we were suspicious of blast i wouldve rejected those runs while converting them from igt to rta


That's like saying he's cheating cuz I said so

Mark_Grand likes this
Denver, CO, USA

So he private some runs I don't see the big deal you cant accuse him of cheating without any evidence to support it. In my opinion as long as the current WR is NOT private then its all good, But that's just me personally

Ontario, Canada

Double posting on this thread as well as he felt necessary to make 2..

You're calling cheats with the only "evidence" being old runs are privated. I understand where you're coming from but still not much to scoff at.

Regardless, to put your mind at ease there is a reason he privated a bunch of old videos and I have receipts for this as well.

Blast was applying for monetization on his YouTube and trying to put more focus on Content with his new how to speedrun series videos, YouTube rejected his application due to "repetitive and reuploaded content" although he was well above requirements for partner program.

He privated probably 80% of his uploads to simplify the content more and put the focus more on the "content" then re-apply to see if they would accept.

So there's your answer, also Blast said he will set previous WR's to "unlisted" instead of private so you can still view them through SRC.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Mark_Grand and Merl_ like this

damn, how many strikes did he get for him to not be able to monetize? He really got hit with it because his runs look super similar???

Ontario, Canada

Nothing to do with strikes, the automated system just thinks its re-posted content or something, and when you read into the category it says the reasoning may be "repetitive content" as well.

This has happened to multiple people who upload GOI content.. it's really dumb.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Merl_, jjen, and hsblue like this
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