No Missions Skips/Warps Ruling - Mission Restarts
9 years ago
Saint Helena

Does the ruling in this category allow for restarting a mission to enter a car quicker than usual? Or is this against the rules?

I don't really see it as a mission skip nor a mission warp but I could be wrong

Victoria, Australia

I'd run it, just to say I ran it. XD

Michigan, USA

That question came up when I did my run of the category. We decided that it was in the rules to do it. The only thing you are doing is restarting a mission you had already started. The argument was brought up that would it be against the rules to restart the mission if you were going to fail it since it is technically the same thing. So I used that strat in my run since you are already in the mission and not actually "mission warping".

RobotCrocodilz likes this
Derry, Northern Ireland

This run is invalid as it bopped CtrlTab's WR and will make him cry Kappa b

Derry, Northern Ireland

For real I think it's down to the mods to decide whether or not to allow the run

Derry, Northern Ireland

I'll just go get WR with video OpieOP b

Saint Helena

I'm not crying... BibleThump but for real man if you can record your run next time for verification then that would be super and I'll happily accept it! Keep running <3

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