Thoughts on S-Rank category for ILs?
8 years ago

How do people feel about the S-Rank category? Personally I feel it is unnecessary, as it often overlaps with the other categories. It's essentially Any% No Rank Restricting Items, as time alone will almost always give you an S-Rank. Since PSNK also doesn't allow rank restricting items either, you'll pretty much always get an S-Rank there too (unless you're really slow)

I think it would be okay to have the category removed to clean up the boards and have less double submissions, what do the rest of you think?

On an unrelated note, there STILL have not been rules defined for most of the full-game categories, and the NG+ All Missions PSNK rules still claim to ban Cyborg Ninja/Raiden and the Parasite Suit (despite only the camo restricting your rank)

Edited by the author 8 years ago

remove the category? helll fukin no. its a seperate catergory to any% and i like running both

there are significant differences

any%: anything goes

srank%: anything goes as long as you dont use certain items

psnk%: nothing goes, no kill, no alerts, no special items

often any% and srank are very different cause of the fulton ballista and the stealth camo

Edited by the author 8 years ago

I get that they're different, but I would hardly call it "significant". And there's a lot of categories for a game with this low activity so I wouldn't mind seeing something removed. Guess it's just me ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Personally I agree with Vallkyr ... but I can also see dekukings point. The problem with this game is that it's hard to define good categories. (As you don't even get a Rank in certain level...) As a result I personally only run any% ... but the timing and platform comparison are a nightmare ... :(

EDIT: Ok I just looked up how many levels are different (at least for my any% strategies) any%: 50 (all except for mission 02 which is missing for some reason) S-Rank: 17 (get S-Rank with no change in strategy) (Also S-Rank is not possible in mission 22) PSNK: 7 ( get PSNK with no changes in strategy)

Edited by the author 8 years ago

mission 2 and 22 cant really be speedrun.

mission 2 is a tutorial, and mission 22 is "retake the platform", which depending on how many platforms you have can take anywhere between 30 seconds and like 5 minutes.

they are seperate categories with different strats, i see no reason to remove a category. maybe if we had some other category and we had to make space or something, but that isnt the case so its kinda pointless to remove something when people (me) still run it. it's not like your forced to run it...

i think the most important thing about s-rank is it's the only category where you can kill people without having access to the overpowerd stuff like airstrikes and stealth camo.

s-rank% is basically "how much faster is psnk% if i dont care about alarms and killing?"

depending on the mission the difference is very small to pretty big.

but if i'm not mistake most runs are soon gonna be beaten...

by pure chance i saw this video... i still have to unlock the item and test it, but if it works like i think it would cut off a bunch of seconds of a lot of missions

e-rb wormhole generator.... place on at start of mission, once youve completed objective insta teleport outta hotzone? have to wait for the FOB event to unlock it, so i can test it...

You can still speedrun mission 2 and 22 ... but I see where you are coming from :)

Also I'm pretty sure the wormehole thing works only in fob ... need to test it through.


Wormhole generator does only work in FOBs.

If you're running it Deku then it's fine I guess. Personally I just hate seeing excessive categories with little to no activity. Makes the boards look bad, which is also the reason I'm against adding the Subsistence category. Though maybe it can be added as Misc?

Guess for now there's also the problem that there aren't optimized runs for each category, making it seem like there's more overlap than there really is? I'm gonna work on some any% runs to at least try and solve that.

Yes it's time to fill those tables :D I'm currently submitting my any% runs. Would be great to see more runners at this categorie.

here it the playlist for you to beat them ;)

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