How to accurately re-time your runs
5 years ago
California, USA

This is for people who aren't sure on how to re-time their runs frame-by-frame or for people who just want a more accurate time for their runs.

I use these two websites and both are really good:


You can also re-time using your editing software. Just mark the starting and ending points and highlight the whole section in between those points. It'll show you "minutes:seconds.frame-number / 00:00.00"

To add milliseconds to it just take the frame number and multiply it by either 0.016666 (60fps) or 0.033333 (30fps).

So if your video is in 30fps and it's showing you 05:24.17 - multiply 17 x 0.033333 = 0.566xxx - then just put that with your time: 5 min 24 sec 566 ms (and exclude the other numbers since only 3 can be entered).


Also, since Twitch videos/clips can't be re-timed through the websites linked above, they would have to be re-timed in an editing software. If you are the owner of the videos, just download your own vods and put em into the editing software. If you don't own the vods/clips, you can use the app Twitch Leecher to download people's videos from Twitch and re-time in your own editing software with the method mentioned above.

For clips just replace the beginning of the URL with "" - for example: --

And you should be able to download the clip.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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