Breaking runs into any% and no diplomacy
4 months ago
Södermanland, Sweden

What are your thoughts?


Had the same idea. Think its necessary conisdering how diplomacy-heavy those runs are

SpeedStrategist likes this
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Yes, something may need to be done, since now it's more of a menu game than anything else. I agree that this might be a good idea, but how "no diplomacy" are defined are still open for interpretation.

I assume you mean player-initiated diplo ? I do not agree diplo strats are a menu simulator, or consider them unfair to the point where we need to turn the whole board upside down. runs evolve as people find new shortcuts, this is part of speedrunning. a no-diplo category might be a good alternative option, but it is certainly not necessary.

I would be open to entering no-diplo as a misc category, distinct and separate from the rest with its own ruleset. as we already have main categories for the base game and dlc covered, and recently added battles, I'd prefer to see the current categories fill out a bit more before adding more though.

Södermanland, Sweden

Yeah, I've given it some thought. Since the AI will initiate some diplo, I think the fairest would be to either:

  1. Don't allow any exploits

  2. No player initiated diplomacy, and only reject or accept the AI initiated diplomatic deals

Personally I'd prefer the first option, but it might be tricky to define what an exploit is? The more realistic approach is probably the second option.

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