The frame rules?
2 years ago
United States
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Hi all - sorry if this is documented somewhere already; I did a quick bit of looking and didn't come up with anything, so I'll ask here:

How exactly (as far as we know) do the frame rules work? (I know what a frame rule is, so my meaning is specific for this game.) Can we do anything proactive in order to get better ones? All I know is that they -exist-, they have to do with the bonus phases, and they can just come through and cost you 5 seconds (or save you some). But what I don't know is:

Are they only affected via what happens in the waves prior? Or can you affect the time based on the behavior you do in the bonus phases? I've just sorta collected the final 5 balloons in the bonus phases because I see other runners doing it.

At the very least, I think I saw spyriel reset immediately upon seeing the balloon pattern in a bonus phase - does that mean we know which patterns signify specific, known frame rules? Or is that just something you have to get a feel for via playing?


United States
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

I think yesterday's session cleared a lot up for me -

10 out of 12 of my paces exiting the final bonus level were -0.0. Despite me entering that bonus level an all sorts of paces, ranging from -4 to +1.5.

Also, I found that if Phases 1-3 go really well, but not TOO well, I get the best pace I've ever seen by a full 4 seconds after the first bonus phase.

So basically, the only way to get the best framerules we can get is to play almost TAS-level the whole time? Otherwise, the game utterly equalizes every run you do, regardless of how well you play?

S-sign me up.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Uusimaa, Finland

Yeah if I understand correctly the timer starts from the game start (from reset even as you can test different times to press start) for the frame rules and then you gotta just hope to match phases and bonus rng to match as well as possible to it :P It is 4 point something seconds.

AaronTruitt, spyriel, and Seirea like this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Oh! Pressing start at a certain time can affect it...amazing to know. Thank you!

spyriel likes this
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