Where can I get the .apk of the 2.21.3 version of this game?
2 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

I tried searching for it on google, but got no useful results. :( Help please?

Samylol99 likes this

Here is the APK file of geometry dash SubZero 2.21.3 pls note that it's not modified in any way : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K4acZCRUHWfPOC13Hp9MKDs2BWWIzS5S/view?usp=drivesdk Inform me if it was useful I got it using Apk Extractor on my goemetry dash SubZero.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
TheNoSwearGuy likes this
British Columbia, Canada

Thank you! It worked! :D

Samylol99 likes this

You are more than welcome.

TheNoSwearGuy likes this
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Update 2.21.4 Category Split

Apologies for the late announcement!

Update 2.21.4 got released last month. Here's what changed:

  • Nock Em's ending is slightly different.
  • The wave skip in Power Trip is patched out.

Because of this, we now have a category for 2.21.4. Hopefully this is the last update. Thank you for reading an

10 months ago