Ending the run on Summit instead of Epilogue in Any%
7 years ago
New York, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

I brought this up on the Discord yesterday but it didn't seem to get much attention, so I thought I'd post it to its own thread.

I'm not sure if this was discussed by mods early on, but what is the reasoning for the run ending on the Epilogue? I understand that the game brings you straight to it after the credits but it seems arbitrary to add time for a dash and a skipped cutscene.

My argument for ending at the Summit is that the credits follow that level, meaning that the Epilogue is post game and shouldn't be a part of any%. I propose that timing is stopped either when the credits roll or when you reach the flagpole, since that's when the in-game timer stops.


No, the in-game timer stops after the epilogue and thats the only reason why we include the epilogue :D

lukelane likes this

There is no way to check your IGT before the Epilogue within the game, so time ending on Summit would require the autosplitter for accurate timing. I propose we take the minor inconvenience of going through the Epilogue, so that people can run and submit times without using external software, in this case Livesplit.

New York, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

While you can't check the in-game timer until after the Epilogue is completed, the Epilogue adds no time to the in-game timer for the Summit section. Therefore, the in-game timer doesn't take the Epilogue into account and so I don't think real time should either.

Midi-Pyrénées, France

Is there an autosplitter for this game yet ? :0

Virginia, USA

I agree that ending on flagpole would be nice, especially if Epilogue doesn't add to the in-game timer at all. You could still have a requirement to show the file time in the video if you wanted, it just might happen later after the credits or something.


Celeste has two different in-game timers. The first is the one displayed in the corner in levels: this pauses while the game is paused, during cutscenes, and during deaths. The second is the overall timer, which can be seen on the file select screen (and also on splits if the autosplitter is being used), and runs during all those things the first timer stops for. It only pauses between levels. The first timer is used for ILs, while the second one is used for full game categories. As this second timer runs both during the credits and during the Epilogue, it's necessary to complete those to be able to access the file select to view this second timer, especially if you are not using the autosplitter or are on console. Hope that clears it up.

CorundumCore, RepentMF and 2 others like this
New York, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Didn't realize the file select timer took Prologue and Epilogue into account, that makes sense, though. Damn, I wish that wasn't the case, because it would be nice to watch the credits after runs. Oh well.

Really_Tall likes this
Tennessee, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

If it's any consolation, the credits are always available to be viewed from the main menu!

Virginia, USA

It's not the same credits, FWIW. Different music and no slideshow. Can be sped up though.

Tennessee, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Yeah and no Madeline and Badeline being adorable in the background :c

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