Is there a Discord server for this game? Also I found a new major skip
2 years ago

Hey, out of curiosity is there a Discord server for this game? If there isn't I am willing to make one.

Me and a few others were challenged by a guy called "Osukarui" to speedrun this game in a event of shorts. We also did some races. In this event I experimented with the mechanics and found a way to clip through walls. It turns out, that in Mission 18 the teleporter to the end of the level was just on the other side of wall very early in the level, resulting in a quite a time save.

Mission 18 skip:

I also found a small skip in mission 3:

lolaway and Brobey like this
California, USA

Hey Bluescreen,

Currently, there is no discord for this game. Feel free to make it and I'll add a link to it on the SRC page.

Really neat tech, glad to see some new stuff is being found for this game. I'd love to learn more about how it works so I can implement it into runs (did some light testing already but I'd like to see how consistent it can be).

Bluescreen18 likes this
California, USA

Actually, go ahead and make that discord asap, I already found a new potential timesave in radar run. Would be good to have a place we can store all this info

Pennsylvania, USA

This is awesome! Thank you for sharing!

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