Timer start discussion
9 years ago

What is the purpose of starting the timer at character selection for NG? I feel that the timer should start when you enter the sewer to the campaign hub. The main benefits of making this change would be (1. All squids start out the same, so no upgrade advantage from starting from the sewer. (2. Setting controller preferences. Some runners might want to change their sensitivity level, inverted camera, or turn off motion controls, and sense the NG+ category already starts you out with being able to change said settings, I feel that NG should be able to as well. What do you guys think, agree, or disagree? P.S. I know this is not the thread for it, but I'm glad to meet and share ideas with you all.

XON likes this
New York, USA

Mainly cause NG+ is all levels. By definition of NG, since there's actual gameplay shortly after you make your character , it only makes sense to have NG timing start when you make your character.

However... I wouldn't mind starting the timer as soon as we enter the sewer...

I do feel like we need more clarification on the timer. Had to look up another run to find out where timer ends.

United States

I personally find starting at the tutorial to be fine because on NG, there's gameplay before you get into the plaza so that's starting when you first get control of your character. I don't mind it changing, but you get a good minute of gameplay before the typical text mashing of almost every game before you get into the real chunk of the run.

Minnesota, USA

Yeah, the timer starts where it does for New Game so that it includes the tutorial.

and the ending time point was written by someone who isn't a native english speaker, I'm not really sure how else to describe it. I'd like it to be final hit on the boss but then that would mean taking however many seconds that is difference off of all the runs manually.

Ok, I see the point now for including the tutorial level